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Last modified 22:08 02-11-11

37038 & 37607 + 37606 DIT 0Z42 Kingmoor - Sellafield
37059 tnt 37610 3W94 0903 Stowmarket - Ipswich
3W95 0941 Ipswich - Lowestoft
3W96 1228 Lowestoft Norwich
3W97 1401 Norwich - Cromer
3W98 1531 Cromer - Stowmarket
3S30 1958 Stowmarket - Clacton
3S31 2145 Clacton - Downham Market
37069 tnt 37510 3S10 2045 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S11 2224 Shenfield - Southend Victoria
3S12 2317 Southend Victoria - Romford
37087 tnt 37218 3S50 2003 Stowmarket - Norwich
3S51 2103 Norwich - Ely
3S52 2232 Ely - Norwich
3S53 2350 Norwich - Colchester
37603 1Q18 0500 Derby RTC - Mossend Yard
37604 tnt 37611 1Q13 0635 Derby RTC - Southall Terminal Complex
37667 tnt 37688 3S60 1001 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S61 1133 Shenfield - Clacton
3S62 1334 Clacton - Colchester
3S63 1428 Colchester - Ely - Norwich
3S64 1806 Norwich - Ely - Stowmarket
97301 3Q15 0846 Carlisle Wapping - Kilmarnock - Mossend Yard
97302 tnt 97304 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Moreton on Lugg - Bidston - Shrewsbury - Crewe IEMD - Holyhead - Crewe IEMD
Chris Watford, Mr Muscle, Dickie, Mr N, Keith Sanders, Steven Atkinson, Rick Ross, Geoff T, br-loco-gen & Ewan Tait
97301 3Z05 Derby RTC - Carlisle Wapping
97302 tnt 97304 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Craven Arms - Crewe - Holyhead - Crewe - Shrewsbury - Bidston - Crewe IEMD
Sel Wiliams & Richard Holmes
37059 tnt 37510 3S32 0046 Downham Market - Cambridge
3S33 0132 Cambridge - Stowmarket
3S60 1001 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S61 1133 Shenfield - Clacton
3S62 1334 Clacton - Colchester
3S63 1428 Colchester - Ely - Norwich
3S64 1806 Norwich - Ely - Stowmarket
37603 + 37611 0Z38 Crewe GB - Derby RTC
66301 + 66422 & 37606 + 37607 0Z66 Sellafield - Kingmoor
37608 + 20309 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield
Richard Holmes, Colin, pnemickey & Mr Muscle
37510 tnt 37667 3S60 1001 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S61 1133 Shenfield - Clacton
3S62 1334 Clacton - Colchester
3S63 1428 Colchester - Ely - Norwich
3S64 1806 Norwich - Ely - Stowmarket

37606 + 37607 0E44 0741 Kingmoor - Seaton
6M60 1325 Seaton - Sellafield
37608 + 20309 6V74 0148 Crewe CLS - Bridgewater
6M67 1402 Bridgewater - Crewe CLS
57003 & 57002 + 37612 + 37261 DIT 0Z57 Derby - Crewe GB
37688 tnt 37059 3W88 0925 Stowmarket - Norwich
3W89 1024 Norwich - Acle
3W90 1101 Acle - Norwich
3W91 1133 Norwich - Ipswich
3W92 1232 Ipswich - Halesworth Station Limits Board
3W93 1554 Halesworth Station Limits Board - Stowmarket
97302 tnt 97303 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Craven Arms - Crewe - Holyhead - Crewe - Shrewsbury - Bidston - Crewe IEMD
Tony Barnes, Boroman, Zac Weallams, Mr Muscle, Cyclopsfilm, Steve Jones, The Bishton Flyover, Geoff T, Calum, Steve Rogers, 37059, Colin & br-loco-gen
37038 tnt 37607 6C51 0915 Sellafield - Heysham
6C52 1605 Heysham - Sellafield
37510 tnt 37667 3S60 1001 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S61 1133 Shenfield - Clacton
3S62 1334 Clacton - Colchester
3S63 1428 Colchester - Ely - Norwich
3S64 1806 Norwich - Ely - Stowmarket
66301 + 66422 & 37606 DIT 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield
37606 + 37038 + 37607 0C46 1936 Sellafield - Carlisle KMDRS
37608 + 20309 6D41 0541 Crewe CLS - Valley
6K41 1458 Valley - Crewe CLS
97303 tnt 97304 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Craven Arms - Crewe - Holyhead - Crewe - Shrewsbury - Bidston - Crewe IEMD
Steven Atkinson, Carl Grocott, Spider, Colin, br-loco-gen, Mr Muscle, The Basingstoker, Dickie, Steve, Ray Anslow & Geoff T
37038 + 37607 6S54 0442 Carlisle KMDRS - Hunterston
6M22 1217 Hunterston - Carlisle KMDRS
37059 + 37688 6Z30 0725 Stowmarket Down Goods Loop - Norwich Crown Point
6Z31 1505 Norwich Crown Point - Stowmarket Down Goods Loop
37087 tnt 37194 3S60 1001 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S61 1133 Shenfield - Clacton
3S62 1334 Clacton - Colchester
3S63 1428 Colchester - Ely - Norwich
3S64 1806 Norwich - Ely - Stowmarket
37510 tnt 37667 3S32 0046 Downham Market - Cambridge
3S33 0132 Cambridge - Stowmarket
3W80 0827 Stowmarket Down Goods Loop - Norwich Terminal Complex
3W81 0950 Norwich Terminal Complex - Cromer
3W82 1131 Cromer - Ipswich Reception
3W83 1329 Ipswich Reception - Halesworth Station Limits Board
3W84 1554 Halesworth Station Limits Board - Stowmarket Down Goods Loop

37601 tnt 37604 1Q13 0612 Didcot TC - Hereford - Gloucester Yard Junction - Kings Norton - Worcester Terminal Complex - Bromsgrove - Didcot TC
37602 + 37423 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield
6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe CLS
97302 tnt 97304 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Craven Arms - Crewe - Holyhead - Crewe - Shrewsbury - Bidston - Crewe IEMD
97304 0Z97 Derby RTC - Crewe
Duncan Jennings, Zac Weallams, Mr Muscle, Colin Makcrow, Dickie, Cyclopsfilm, Ryan, Geoff T, Ray Anslow, Azza & br-loco-gen
37087 tnt 37194 3S60 1001 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S61 1133 Shenfield - Clacton
3S62 1334 Clacton - Colchester
3S63 1428 Colchester - Ely - Norwich
3S64 1806 Norwich - Ely - Stowmarket
37218 + 37667 6Z30 0725 Stowmarket Down Goods Loop - Norwich Crown Point
6Z31 1505 Norwich Crown Point - Stowmarket Down Goods Loop
37510 tnt 37667 3S30 1958 Stowmarket - Clacton
3S31 2145 Clacton - Downham Market
37601 tnt 37604 1Q13 Didcot TC - Dicot TC via Greenford lines
37602 + 37423 6D41 0541 Crewe CLS - Valley
6K41 1458 Valley - Crewe CLS
37607 + 37038 0Z46 Kingmoor - Sellafield
6C46 1936 Sellafield - Carlisle KMDRS
37608 + 20303 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe CLS
37611 + 20308 6O62 0208 Crewe CLS - Dungeness
6M95 1505 Dungeness - Willesden Brent Sidings
6K51 2109 Willesden Brent Sidings - Crewe CLS
97302 tnt 97303 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Craven Arms - Crewe - Holyhead - Crewe - Shrewsbury - Bidston - Crewe IEMD
Steven Atkinson, Ray Anslow, Matt Brown, Dave C, Steve Charsley, Porkpie100, br-loco-gen, The EuroSprinter, Ryan, 37059, Dickie, Sel Williams, Chris Evans & Geoff T
37059 tnt 37688 3S13 0025 Romford - Upminster
3S14 0043 Upminster - Stratford
3S15 0117 Stratford - Braintree
3S16 0231 Braintree - Witham
3S17 0256 Witham - Stowmarket
3W88 0925 stowmarket - Norwich
3W89 1024 Norwich - Acle
3W90 1101 Acle - Norwich
3W91 1133 Norwich - Ipswich
3W92 1232 Ipswich - Halesworth Station Limits Board
3W93 1554 Halesworth Station Limits Board - Stowmarket
37087 tnt 37194 3S32 0046 Downham Market - Cambridge
3S33 0132 Cambridge - Stowmarket
3S60 1001 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S61 1133 Shenfield - Clacton
3S62 1334 Clacton - Colchester
3S63 1428 Colchester - Ely - Norwich
3S64 1806 Norwich - Ely - Stowmarket
37510 5Z41 Wolverton Works - Norwich CP

37601 tnt 37604 1Q13 0612 Didcot TC - Gloucester Yard Jn - Kings Norton - Didcot TC

37603 0Z40 Crewe GB - Shirebrook
4Z40 1130 Shirebrook - Daventry
97302 tnt 97303 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Craven Arms - Crewe - Holyhead - Crewe - Shrewsbury - Bidston - Crewe IEMD
Duncan Jennings, Peter Eaton, Zac Weallams, Dan C, 31466, Dave Baker, Dickie, 37059, Cyclopsfilm, Rick Ross, Steve charsley & br-loco-gen
37059 tnt 37688 3S10 2045 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S11 2224 Shenfield - Southend Victoria
3S12 2317 Southend Victoria - Romford
37087 tnt 37194 3S30 1958 Stowmarket - Clacton
3S31 2145 Clacton - Downham Market
37254 0940 Tunbridge Wells West - Eridge with 73140
1020 Eridge - Tunbridge Wells West
1220 Tunbridge Wells West - Eridge
1420 Eridge - Tunbridge Wells West
1620 Tunbridge Wells West - Eridge
1820 Eridge - Tunbridge Wells West With 33063
37601 tnt 37604 1Q13 1345 Derby RTC - Didcot TC
37610 tnt 37069 3S50 2003 Stowmarket - Norwich
3S51 2103 Norwich - Ely
3S52 2232 Ely - Norwich
3S53 2350 Norwich - Colchester
97302 tnt 97303 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Craven Arms - Crewe - Holyhead - Crewe - Shrewsbury - Bidston - Crewe IEMD
Simon Cresswell, Chris Warman, Rob Barton, br-loco-gen, Mr T & Carl Grocott
37059 tnt 37218 3S54 0056 Colcester - Harwich Int
3S55 0146 Harwich Int - Manningtree
3S56 0215 Manningtree - Stowmarket
37069 tnt 37610 3S32 0422 Downham Market - Cambridge
3S33 0552 Cambridge - Stowmarket
37087 tnt 37194 3S12 0042 Southend Victoria - Romford
3S13 0145 Romford - Upminster
3S14 0200 Upminster - Stratford
3S15 0231 Stratford - Braintree
3S16 0339 Braintree - Witham
3S17 0401 Witham - Stowmarket
37602 + 37423 0Z37 Derby RTC - Crewe GB
37604 + 37601 + 97304 0Z38 Crewe GB - Derby RTC
20308 + 37606 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield

37685 5Z38 0615 Southall WCRC - Paddington Between Southall WCRC - Southall
1Z37 0700 Paddington - Portsmouth Harbour Between Paddington - Hamworthy Quay
1Z37 0700 Paddington - Portsmouth Harbour Between Winchester Baltic Siding - Eastleigh Works
1Z37 0700 Paddington - Portsmouth Harbour Between Eastleigh - Eastleigh - Portsmouth Harbour
1Z38 1540 Portsmouth Harbour - Waterloo Between Aldershot - Waterloo
1Z38 1918 Waterloo - St. Albans Abbey
37706 5Z38 0615 Southall WCRC - Paddington Between Southall - Paddington
1Z37 0700 Paddington - Portsmouth Harbour Between Hamworthy Quay - Winchester Baltic Siding
1Z37 0700 Paddington - Portsmouth Harbour Between Eastleigh Works - Eastleigh
1Z38 1540 Portsmouth Harbour - Waterloo Between Portsmouth Harbour - Aldershot
1Z38 2257 St. Albans Abbey - Ealing Broadway
Rob Morel, Michael Gibson, Steve Charsley, Zac Weallams, br-loco-gen, The Basingstoker, Station Master Digby, Steve B, Richar Holmes & Azza
37059 tnt 37218 3S50 1940 Stowmarket - Norwich
3S51 2032 Norwich - Ely
3S52 2150 Ely - Norwich
3S53 2318 Norwich - Colchester
37069 tnt 37610 3W97 1228 Ipswich - Norwich, started from Stowmarket at 11:00, and did an additional Norwich - Ely - Norwich
3W98 1401 Norwich - Cromer
3W99 1531 Cromer - Stowmarket
3S30 2149 Stowmarket - Clacton
3S31 2328 Clacton - Downham Market
37087 tnt 37194 3S10 2215 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S11 2350 Shenfield - Southend Victoria
37423 tnt 37602 1Q13 2342 Ipswich Station Sidings - Derby RTC
37606 + 20308 6L70 0054 Crewe Coal Sidings - Sizewell CEGB
6M69 1554 Sizewell - Willesden Brent Sidings
6K51 2109 Willesden Brent Sidings - Crewe CLS

37608 + 20303 6E44 0741 Kingmoor - Seaton
6M60 1325 Seaton - Sellafield
37667 tnt 37688 3S60 1001 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S61 1133 Shenfield - Clacton
3S62 1334 Clacton - Colchester
3S63 1428 Colchester - Ely - Norwich
3S64 1956 Norwich - Ely
3S66 2121 Ely - Stowmarket
37706 + 37685 5Z37 Carnforth - Southall
97303 tnt 97304 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Craven Arms - Crewe - Holyhead - Crewe - Shrewsbury - Bidston - Crewe IEMD
Tony Barnes, Steve B, Kevin Cooper, Mr N, Sel Williams, Steven Atkinson, Steve Sumners, Dickie, Geoff T, Mike Crew & br-loco-gen
33021 + 37075 DIT 0Z99 Oakamoor Sidings - Cheddleton
37087 tnt 37194 3S60 1001 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S61 1133 Shenfield - Clacton
3S62 1334 Clacton - Colchester
3S63 1428 Colchester - Ely - Norwich
3S64 1956 Norwich - Ely
3S66 2121 Ely - Stowmarket
37423 tnt 37602 1Q13 1041 Norwich CP - Lowestoft
1Q13 2143 Lowestoft - Ipswich Station Sidings
37601 + 37611 6D41 0541 Crewe CLS - Valley
6K41 1458 Valley - Crewe CLS
37603 + 37604 6O62 0208 Crewe CLS - Dungeness
6M95 1505 Dungeness - Willesden Brent Sidings
6K51 2109 Willesden Brent Sidings - Crewe CLS
20308 + 37606 6V73 0433 Crewe Coal Sidings - Berkeley CEGB
6M56 1343 Berkeley CEGB - Crewe Coal Sidings
37608 + 20303 DIT 6C46 1936 Sellafield - Carlisle KMDRS
37676 + 37685 5Z75 0105 Preston - Carnforth Steamtown
97301 0Z97 Derby RTC - Grove Park Down Reception
97302 tnt 97304 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Craven Arms - Crewe - Holyhead - Crewe - Shrewsbury - Bidston - Crewe IEMD
Steven Atkinson, Paul Bayliss, GW, 31190, Cyclopsfilm, 31466, Sel Williams, Geoff T & br-loco-gen
37069 tnt 37610 3S60 1001 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S61 1133 Shenfield - Clacton, failed and returned to Stowmarket
37087 tnt 37194 3W88 0925 Stowmarket to Norwich
3W89 1024 Norwich - Acle
3W90 1101 Acle - Norwich
3W91 1124 Norwich - Lowestoft
3W92 1320 Lowestoft - Norwich
3W93 1415 Norwich - Stowmarket
37409 6Z04 0718 Doncaster Decoy - Carlisle Yard
37423 tnt 37602 1Q13 1052 Peterborough Spital Sidings - Norwich CP
37510 + 37601 + 37611 6O62 0208 Crewe CLS - Dungeness, 37510 removed at Willesden

37603 + 37604 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe CLS
37601 + 37611 6M95 1635 Dungeness - Willesden Brent Sidings
6K51 2109 Willesden Brent Sidings - Crewe CLS
37667 0Z45 Colchester - Stowmarket
37676 + 37685 5Z74 Carnforth - Preston
1Z74 0444 Preston - Oban
37685 + 37676 DIT 1Z75 Oban - Preston
37688 tnt 37667 3S63 1428 Colchester - Ely - Norwich, started at Stowmarket
3S64 1956 Norwich - Ely
3S66 2121 Ely - Stowmarket
97302 0Z97 Derby RTC - Crewe IEMD
97303 tnt 97304 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Craven Arms - Crewe - Holyhead - Crewe - Shrewsbury - Bidston - Crewe IEMD
Neil Bridge, Mr Muscle, Azza, Lee Scott, Rob Barton, Steve Charsley, Chris Evans, Steven Atkinson, Dickie, Geoff T, Colin Makcrow, 37059, Lee Marshall, Roy The Mouth, 47643, garstangpost, morecambebuses & br-loco-gen
37038 + 37229 6C46 1936 Sellafield - Carlisle KMDRS
37069 0Z37 Willesden Brent Sidings - Stowmarket
37218 tnt 37059 3S60 1001 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S61 1133 Shenfield - Clacton
3S62 1334 Clacton - Colchester
3S63 1428 Colchester - Ely - Norwich
3S64 1956 Norwich - Ely
3S66 2121 Ely - Stowmarket

37409 Stabled in Platform 1 York
37423 tnt 37602 1Q13 1041 Norwich CP - Lowestoft - Norwich - Peterborough
66421 + 66424 & 37510 DIT 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe CLS
37603 + 37604 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield
37607 6Z33 Carlisle Yard - Kilmarnock WABTEC
6Z35 Kilmarnock WABTEC - Carlisle Yard
37667 0Z45 Colchester - Stowmarket
97303 tnt 97304 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Craven Arms - Crewe - Holyhead - Crewe - Shrewsbury - Bidston - Crewe IEMD
Simon Jowett, Kim Fulbrook, Mr Muscle, Graeme MacDiarmid, BR-loco-gen, 20312, Scott Spencer, Calum, Geoff T & Colin Fielding

37087 tnt 37194 3S60 1001 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S61 1133 Shenfield - Clacton
3S62 1334 Clacton - Colchester
3S63 1428 Colchester - Ely - Norwich
3S64 1956 Norwich - Ely
3S66 2121 Ely - Stowmarket
37602 + 37423 0Z37 Crewe GB - Derby RTC
37423 tnt 37602 1Q13 Derby RTC - Norwich Crown Point
37603 6L70 0054 Crewe Coal Sidings - Sizewell CEGB
37603 + 37069 6M69 1554 Sizewell - Willesden Brent Sidings
6K51 2109 Willesden Brent Sidings - Crewe CLS
37604 + 37606 6V73 0433 Crewe Coal Sidings - Berkeley CEGB
6M56 1343 Berkeley CEGB to Crewe Coal Sidings
20309 + 37606 0Z27 Coventry - Crewe GB
37667 + 37069 0Z45 0858 Stowmarket - West Ealing, 069 removed at Colchester
37667 4Z45 1230 West Ealing - Whitemoor
37676 0Z37 1603 Craigentinny T.&R.S.M.D - Carnforth

37685 5Z77 0834 Fort William - Carnforth

97303 tnt 97304 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Craven Arms - Crewe - Holyhead - Crewe - Shrewsbury - Bidston - Crewe IEMD
Warren Desmond, David Lacy, Alasdair Eadington, Steve Charsley, ruston165, BREL313, Steven Atkinson, Mr Muscle, Richard Holmes, Geoff T, Dickie, Colin & br-loco-gen
97303 tnt 97304 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Moreton on Lugg - Bidston - Shrewsbury - Crewe IEMD - Holyhead - Crewe IEMD
Mr Muscle & Sel Williams
37216 1037 Whistle Inn - Blaenavon High Level
37219 1015 Blaenavon High Level - Whistle Inn
1105 Blaenavon High Level - Whistle Inn
66424 + 37510 DIT 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield
37601 + 37611 1Z29 0545 Bristol TM - Monk Bretton Loop Between Bristol TM - Crewe
37604 + 37606 6K73 0850 Sellafield - Crewe CLS
37667 + 37688 6T63 1651 Colchester East Gate Junction - Whitemoor Yard

97302 tnt 31206 3Z22 Tyseley - Derby RTC
Mark Birkin, Simon Cresswell, Crooton, Carl Grocott, Dickie, morecambebuses, br-loco-gen, Ray Anslow, Neil Altyfan, Steve B, Azza, Steve Sumners & Steve Charsley
37038 + 37229 6E44 0741 Kingmoor - Seaton
6M60 1325 Seaton - Sellafield
37601 + 37611 6K32 Arpley - Stoke Marcroft Engineering
6F31 1254 Stoke Marcroft Engineering - Arpley
37603 + 20309 6L70 0027 Crewe CLS - Sizewell
6M69 1554 Sizewell - Willesden Brent Sidings
6K51 2109 Willesden Brent Sidings - Crewe CLS
37604 + 37606 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield
37608 tnt 20303 6C51 0915 Sellafield - Heysham
6C52 1605 Heysham - Sellafield
37667 + 37688 6T11 2159 Whitemoor Yard - Hythe via Temple Mills
97303 tnt 97304 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Moreton on Lugg - Bidston - Shrewsbury - Crewe IEMD - Holyhead - Crewe IEMD
Dickie, Greayrails, Ray Anslow, Andrew Naylor, Steven Atkinson, Matt Price, Steve Charsley, br-loco-gen, Mr Muscle, KennyM & Dickie
37038 + 37229 6S43 0442 Carlisle - Torness
6M50 1507 Torness - Carlisle

37218 & 37667 + 37059 DIT 0Z35 Crewe GB - Norwich

37409 2Z02 Derby RTC - Derby RTC via most of the East Midlands
37516 5Z76 0704 Carnforth Steamtown - Fort William J.Yd T.C.
37601 + 37611 6M21 Didcot - Kineton
6V03 Kineton - Didcot
6A49 Didcot Terminal Complex - Bicester Central Ordnance Depot
6A48 1416 Bicester Central Ordnance Depot - Didcot Terminal Complex
8B33 Didcot DC - Didcot Yard
6X65 Didcot - Mossend Between Didcot - Arpley
37603 + 20309 6D41 0541 Crewe CLS - Valley
6K41 1458 Valley - Crewe CLS
37604 + 37606 6O62 0208 Crewe CLS - Dungeness
6M95 1635 Dungeness - Willesden Brent Sidings
6K51 2109 Willesden Brent Sidings - Crewe CLS
66431 + 66424 & 37608 + 37607 + 20303 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield
97302 tnt 97303 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Moreton on Lugg - Bidston - Shrewsbury - Crewe IEMD - Holyhead - Crewe IEMD
Darren Wetherall, Zac Weallans, D6759, Frank Wyldbore, 31466, Carl Grocott, HoPpY, Geoff T, Tony Irle, Steve B, br-loco-gen, Steven Atkinson, Mike Platt, Graeme MacDiarmid, Mr T, Steve, Rob Barton, Porkpie100, Mr Muscle, 91125BOT, Chris Evans & Ray Anslow
37038 + 37229 6C46 1936 Sellafield - Carlisle KMDRS
37601 + 37611 6V25 Bescot - Hinksey
6O26 1020 Hinksey Yd - Eastleigh
37611 + 37601 DIT 6V27 1330 Eastleigh East Yard - Hinksey Sidings
37601 + 37611 DIT 6Z15 1852 Hinksey - Eastleigh
0Zxx Eastleigh - Didcot
37603 + 20309 6V74 0148 Crewe CLS - Bridgewater
6M67 1402 Bridgewater - Crewe CLS
37607 0Z42 Crewe GB - Barrow Hill
37607 + 47828 0Z43 1345 Barrow Hill - Crewe GB
97302 tnt 97303 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Moreton on Lugg - Bidston - Shrewsbury - Crewe IEMD - Holyhead - Crewe IEMD
HoPpy, Porkpie100, Driff47844, 31190, Zac Weallans, Steve B, Cyclopsfilm, 37059, Greasy Rails, br-loco-gen & Mr Muscle
37038 + 37229 0E44 0741 Kingmoor - Seaton
6M60 1325 Seaton - Sellafield
37423 + 37667 6O62 0208 Crewe CLS - Dungeness
6M95 1635 Dungeness - Willesden Brent Sidings
6K51 2109 Willesden Brent Sidings - Crewe CLS
37688 + 37194 & 37069 + 37087 + 37610 DIT 0Z37 1207 Crewe - Stowmarket
97301 3Q13 1544 Carnforth - Sellafield - Carlisle - Derby RTC
Andrew Naylor, Rob Barton, Chris Evans, 20118, Steve B, 47643, Steven Atkinson, Geoff T, Tony Irle, KennyM, Steve Charsley, Dickie & br-loco-gen
37229 + 37038 0C46 1936 Sellafield - Carlisle KMDRS
37510 + 20308 0Z00 Crewe GB - Crewe LNWR
37608 + 37218 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe CLS
37610 + 37087 + 20303 + 37607 0Z00 Crewe CLS - Crewe GB
97301 3Z02 Derby RTC - Carlisle Wapping
3Q13 Carlisle Wapping - Carnforth
97302 tnt 97303 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Moreton on Lugg - Bidston - Shrewsbury - Crewe IEMD - Holyhead - Crewe IEMD
97303 0Z97 Derby RTC - Crewe IEMD
Steve B, Azza, Steven Atkinson, Steve Charsley, Ray Anslow, Steve & Steve Sumners
97302 tnt 97304 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Moreton on Lugg - Bidston - Shrewsbury - Crewe IEMD - Holyhead - Crewe IEMD
Steve B
37601 + 37611 0Z37 Crewe GB - Warrington Arpley
37602 + 37606 0Z37 0830 Derby RTC - Crewe GB
37667 + 37423 + 20309 + 20303 0K73 0850 Sellafield - Crewe CLS
Steve B, Simon Atkinson, Steve Sumners, Andrew Naylor, Steve Charsley, Frank Wyldbore & Richard Holmes
37038 + 37229 0E44 0741 Kingmoor - Seaton
6M60 1325 Seaton - Sellafield
37218 + 37608 6V74 0148 Crewe CLS - Bridgewater
6M67 1402 Bridgewater - Crewe CLS
37602 tnt 37606 1Q13 1210 Norwich CP - Derby RTC
37607 + 37610 6L70 0027 Crewe CLS - Sizewell
6M69 1554 Sizewell - Willesden Brent Sidings
6K51 2109 Willesden Brent Sidings - Crewe CLS

37906 1115 Kidderminster - Bridgnorth
1320 Bridgnorth - Kidderminster
1533 Kidderminster - Arley
1859 Kidderminster - Bridgnorth
2113 Bridgnorth - Kidderminster
Azza, Rob Barton, HSTHoward, Steve B, Dickie, Steven Atkinson, Fred Ellis, Grumpy, RS Hunter, David M. Shell, Guy & 47643
37038 0Z37 Kingmoor - Kingmoor test run
37409 2Z02 Derby RTC - Peterborough - Derby RTC
37423 + 37667 6L68 0311 Willesden Brent - Southminster CEGB
6M75 2344 Southminster CEGB - Drigg
37602 tnt 37606 1Q13 Norwich CP - Ely
37608 + 37218 6O62 0208 Crewe CLS - Dungeness
6M95 1635 Dungeness - Willesden Brent Sidings
37610 + 37069 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe CLS
97302 tnt 97304 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Moreton on Lugg - Bidston - Shrewsbury - Crewe IEMD - Holyhead - Crewe IEMD
Mr T, Rob Barton, Dave C, Tony Irle, Richard Holmes, HSTHoward, Chris Evans & Sel Williams

37038 0Z40 Crewe GB - Shirebrook
4Z00 Shirebrook - Kingmoor, failed at Bashford Hall, rescued by 66425
37229 + 37682 6S54 0442 Carlisle KMDRS - Hunterston
6M22 1217 Hunterston - Carlisle KMDRS
37602 tnt 37606 1Q13 1210 Norwich CP - Marks Tey - Manningtree - Thorpe le Soken- Colchester DGL - Thorpe le Soken - Norwich CP
66423 + 37610 DIT 0Z42 Carlisle Kingmoor - Sellafield
37611 + 37603 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe CLS
37667 + 37423 + 37218 + 37608 6A73 Crewe - Willesden
97304 tnt 97301 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Moreton on Lugg - Bidston - Shrewsbury - Crewe IEMD - Holyhead - Crewe IEMD
Peter Eaton, Mark Williams, Azza, morecambebuses, Steve Sumners, Andy P, Steven Atkinson, D6759, Steve Charsley, Ray Anslow, Graeme MacDiarmid & br-loco-gen
37229 + 37682 6C46 1936 Sellafield - Carlisle KMDRS
37423 + 37087 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe CLS

37602 tnt 37606 1Q13 Derby - Peterborough - Leicester - Peterborough - Leicester - Norwich
37688 0Z60 Willesden - Swale - Willesden
97304 tnt 97302 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Moreton on Lugg - Bidston - Shrewsbury - Crewe IEMD - Holyhead - Crewe IEMD, 97301 replaced 97304 at Crewe IEMD
Darren Wetherall, Steven Atkinson, Steve Charsley, Azza, Steve Sumners, 43313, Steve B, 37423, Doug Barrow, Anthony Roberts & br-loco-gen
66424 + 66431 & 37087 + 37423 0Z42 0950 Kingmoor - Sellafield
37608 0Z37 0652 Crewe GB - Toton
0Z37 1015 Toton - Toton
0Z37 1357 Toton - Crewe GB

37688 + 37194 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe CLS
97304 tnt 97302 3S71 1844 Crewe IEMD - Machynlleth - Moreton on Lugg - Bidston - Shrewsbury - Crewe IEMD - Holyhead - Crewe IEMD, 97302 replaced with 97301 at Crewe IEMD before the run to Holyhead
Neil Bridge, Richard W. Jones, Scott Spencer, Azza, Steve Charsley, Jon Shark, Frank Wyldbore & Anthony Roberts
37175 1600 Bo'ness - Manuel
1630 Manuel - Bo'ness

37503 1E44 0924 Wansford - Peterborough NVR
2M44 1010 Peterborough NVR - Wansford
2E55 1620 Wansford - Peterborough NVR Between Yarwell Junc - Peterborough NVR
2M55 1730 Peterborough NVR - Wansford
37503 + 20107 2E51 1340 Wansford - Peterborough NVR Between Yarwell Junc - Peterborough NVR
2M51 1450 Peterborough NVR - Wansford
Darren Wetherall, br-loco-gen &l Big Al
37175 1130 Bo'ness - Manuel
1201 Manuel - Bo'ness
37175 + 20020 2100 Bo'ness - Manuel
2130 Manuel - Bo'ness

37503 1E46 1020 Wansford - Peterborough NVR Between Yarwell Junc - Peterborough NVR
1M46 1130 Peterborough NVR - Wansford
2E57 1915 Wansford - Peterborough NVR Between Yarwell Junc - Peterborough NVR

37503 + 20107 1E54 1540 Wansford - Peterborough NVR Between Yarwell Junc - Peterborough NVR
2M54 1650 Peterborough NVR - Wansford
37610 6C22 0640 Kingmoor - Sellafield
37611 + 37601 0Z37 Derby RTC - Crewe GB
Darren Wetherall, Pizzey, Rugby, Matthew Beckett, John Harton, 47643, Richard Holmes & Steven Atkinson


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