Last modified
22:50 14-05-07
37410 0Dxx Dalry - Mossend
37422 6G36 0909 Bescot - Birch Coppice
6G42 1100 Birch Coppice - Bescot
0G63 1508 Bescot - Wolverhampton Steel Terminal
6G63 1733 Wolverhampton Steel Terminal - Bescot
37510 0Z37 1000 Stowmarket - Stoke Gifford
37605 + 37611 4Q10 1308 Derby RTC - Liverpool St
4Q10 2240 Liverpool St - Ilford EMD
Ian Thurman, Grant Fleming, LesP, Tim Easter, The Chair, Gary Jones, Ralf Edge, Andrew Tansell, SPT, Gaz, The Gen Master & Rugby
37602 + 37607 5Z37 1530 Crewe - Derby RTC
Steve Charsley & Ian Thurman
37405 6D19 0640 Warrington Arpley - Holyhead
6F18 1450 Holyhead - Warrington Arpley
37406 + 37422 6W28 2330 Bescot - Bescot Via Shrewsbury
Bushcutta, Steve Charsley, Gary Jones, Sel Williams, The Chair, Ivor Bufton, 37884, GS#421, Tim Rogers & Neil Hendry
37218 + 20302 6K73 Sellafield - Crewe
37405 6F60 0621 Arpley - Folly Lane
6F61 1549 Folly Lane - Arpley
37406 + 37422 6T94 Bescot - Crewe
0T95 Basford Hall - Arpley
6T95 1620 Arpley - Bescot
6w03 2205 Bescot - Wrexham via shrewsbury
37410 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37605 5Z37 1045 Derby RTC - Crewe EMD via Tutbury
37606 + 37611 1Q18 0952 Heaton CS - Derby RTC
37891 still in storage at EWS Lamesley Yard Gateshead Tyne & Wear
John Lonsdale, Gary Jones, Bushcutta, Mark Birkin, big steve, Andrew Naylor, TM, Carl Grocott, Warren Desmond, Steve Charsley, Graham Lamb, Yallowcake, The Lizard, Martin Taylor, jmy, SPT, Ewan, Tim Rogers & Wilbert Bennett
37059 0C01 Selafield - Kingmoor
37087 + 37194 6C53 Crewe - Sellafield
37218 T+T 20302 6C51 Sellafield - Heysham
66404 + 37259 0Z37 Glasgow Works - Kingmoor
37261 0Z37 Gresty Bridge - Gresty Bridge Via Holyhead
37405 0Z37 1015 Warrington - Sinfin
37406 6K72 0445 Bescot - Stoke Cliffe Vale
6G71 1022 Stoke Cliffe Vale - Bescot
37410 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
6K43 Millerhill - Waverley
37422 6G36 0909 Bescot - Birch Coppice
6G42 1100 Birch Coppice - Bescot
0G63 1508 Bescot - Wolverhampton Steel Terminal
6G63 1733 Wolverhampton Steel Terminal - Bescot
37606 + 37611 1Q18 0420 Motherwell TMD - Heaton
37609 + 37612 0Z37 1245 Derby RTC - Gresty Bridge
Mark Birkin, Jacko, Ewan, Andrew Naylor, GS#421, SPT, James Power, jmy, Geraint Jones, class47man, Davy, AW, Steve Charsley & SPT
37194 + 37515 6K73 Sellafield - Crewe
37406 6G36 0909 Bescot - Birch Coppice
6G42 1100 Birch Coppice - Bescot
37410 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37422 6W64 2241 Bescot - Newton
37602 0Z37 Gresty Bridge - Gresty Bridge Via Holyhead
37605 + 37609 1Q14 0457 Eastleigh - Derby RTC
Gary Jones, Steve Charsley, jmy, Sel, The Chair, Panda, Geraint Jones & Martin
37038 + 20313 6V74 Crewe - Bridgwater
6M67 Bridgwater - Crewe
37087 4E75 2031 Crewe - Doncaster
37194 + 37515 6K73 Sellafield - Crewe
37261 4M20 0156 Doncaster - Basford Hall
37405 0Z38 Toton - Arpley
37406 + 37422 0T96 Bescot - Didcot
6T96 0300 Didcot - Bescot
37406 6D36 1135 Bescot - Burton West Yd
6G36 Burton West - Bescot
37410 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37422 0G25 Bescot - Washwood Heath
6G22 Washwood Heath - Bescot
37605 + 37609 1Q14 Westbury - Salisbury
37606 + 37611 1Z18 1309 Millerhill - Motherwell TMD
Mick Parker, Gary Jones, Alastair Blackwood, Steve Charsley, Ralf Edge, Ross Byres, Greasy rails, Ian Lindsey, jmy, SPT, Guy H, The Lizard, Ewan, Wilbert Bennett & Anon
37059 6C42 Sellafield - Carlisle
37261 4E75 2031 Crewe - Doncaster
37406 6G36 0909 Bescot - Birch Coppice
6G42 1100 Birch Coppice - Bescot
37410 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37606 + 37611 1Q18 0816 Derby RTC - Millerhill Yard
37607 + 37069 4Q11 Derby RTC - Heaton
Tony Barnes, Wilbert Bennett, Marvin Peanuts, Grant Fleming, Ralf Edge, The Chair, SPT, Ian Lindsey, Ross Byres, Anon, Richard Turner & Barry Gill
37227 + 73114 1100 Shackerstone - Shenton
37227 + 31130 1230 Shenton - Shackerstone
37227 1600 Shackerstone - Shenton 73114 on Rear
1800 Shackerstone - Shenton 47244 on Rear
D6700 2P01 0940 Grosmont - Pickering
2G10 1120 Pickering - Grosmont
2P19 1400 Grosmont - Pickering
2G26 1540 Pickering - Grosmont
37606 + 37607 + 37611 0Z37 Gresty Bridge - Derby RTC
geordie, Mike Turner, Ian Lindsey, GS#429 & Paul Biggs
37227 + 73114 1100 Shackerstone - Shenton
37227 + 31130 1230 Shenton - Shackerstone
37227 1600 Shackerstone - Shenton 73114 on Rear
1800 Shackerstone - Shenton 47244 on Rear
37405 6D19 0640 Warrington Arpley - Holyhead
6F18 1450 Holyhead - Warrington Arpley
37406 6T95 0815 Bescot - Newport ADJ via Hereford
37606 + 37602 + 37607 0Z37 0754 Derby RTC - Gresty Bridge
D6700 2P07 1040 Grosmont - Pickering
2G14 1225 Pickering - Grosmont
2P25 1505 Grosmont - Pickering
2G28 1645 Pickering - Grosmont
geordie, Paul Biggs, Gary Jones, greasyrails, The Lizard, 37884, Jamie Squibbs, Sel, SPT, Warren Desmond, Yellow cake, Tim Rogers, The Gen Master & Terry Eyres
37406 6G36 0909 Bescot - Birch Coppice
6G42 1100 Birch Coppice - Bescot
0G63 1508 Bescot - Wolverhampton Steel Terminal
6G63 1733 Wolverhampton Steel Terminal - Bescot
37410 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37602 + 37606 1Z18 0938 Hitchin - Derby RTC Via Newcastle
37607 + 37612 4Z10 2241 Polmadie - Derbt RTC
Keith Sanders, Gary Jones, Lee Marshall, Ian Lindsey, Ian Thurman, The Chair, Rugby Town, AW, Daniel Brereton, TM & Biran Sherrington
37218 4Z50 0619 Carlisle KM - Stoke Marcroft
37405 0Z37 1004 Arpley - Toton
37406 6W66 1714 Bescot - Bescot via Pwllheli
37410 6K18 0500 Tay Bridge South - Millerhill
37515 6C42 Sellafield - Carlisle
37605 + 37609 1Z14 0614 Salisbury - Westbury Via Exteter
37606 + 37602 1Z18 0934 Doncaster - Doncaster via Kings X, failed at Hitchin
37608 0Z37 1000 Kingmoor - Newcastle
0Z38 1205 Newcastle - Kingmoor
D6700 1250 Grosmont - Goathland Assisting in rear of 80135
Goathland - Grosmont Light engine
geordie, Wilbert Bennett, SPT, Jim Young, Martin Taylor, Steve Charsley, James Power, David 47840, The Lizard & Anon
20312 + 37218 6S43 Carlisle - Torness
6M50 Torness - Carlisle
37229 + 20301 0Z20 1110 Gresty Bridge - Gresty Bridge Via Stafford
37261 4M20 0156 Doncaster - Basford Hall
37405 0Z37 1004 Arpley - Toton
0Z38 1526 Toton - Arpley
37422 6Z58 Bescot - Washwood Heath
6F01 1045 Washwood Heath - Halewood
0Z98 1345 Gresty Lane - Bescot
6W61 1714 Bescot - Bescot via Barmouth
37510 Crewe - Norwich Light Engine
37606 + 37602 1Z18 0858 Peterborough - Doncaster via Kings X & Skipton
37605 + 37609 5Z14 1608 Bournemouth T+RSMD - Salisbury East C.H.S
37607 + 37612 4Z10 Polmadie - Perth - Polmadie
Alastair Blackwood, Roger Smith, John Dawson, Steve Charsley, Rugby Town, Mark Birkin, David 47840, GS#429, SPT, Gary Jones, Ross Byres, GS#421, Mick Parker & The Gen Master
20313 + 37038 6O62 Willesden - Dungeness
6M95 Dungeness - Willesden
37069 6Z00 York - Asford
37087 + 37510 6V74 Crewe - Bridgwater
6M67 Bridgwater - Crewe
37261 4E75 2031 Crewe - Doncaster
37405 0Z37 Warrington - Toton
37410 6B01 0518 Mossend - Riccarton
6D61 1253 Riccarton - Mossend
37422 6W56 2129 Bescot - Aberystwyth - Bescot
37602 + 37606 1Z18 0935 Millerhill Yard - Peterborough
37605 + 37609 1Z14 0956 Selhurst - Bournemouth
37612 + 37607 4Z12 Crewe - Polmadie
Carl Grocott, greasyrails, Alastair Blackwood, RJ, Steve Hatcher, Gary Lennon, Jacko, Steve Charsley, Ewan, Guy H, Ian Mcmillan, The Lizard, Grant Fleming & Jim Giles
20313 + 37038 6A73 Crewe - Willesden
37405 0Z30 1330 Healey Mills - Arpley
37406 0M28 1330 Bescot - Didcot
7M28 1755 Hinksey - Bescot
37410 Bescot to Bescot route learner mid morning via Wolverhampton and New Street
92003 + 37410 DIT 6S73 Bescot - Mossend Yard
37422 6G36 0909 Bescot - Birch Coppice
6G42 1100 Birch Coppice - Bescot
0G63 1508 Bescot - Wolverhampton Steel Terminal
6G63 1733 Wolverhampton Steel Terminal - Bescot
37606 + 37602 1Z18 0845 Derby RTC - Millerhill
Gary Jones, Mike, Rugby, Steve Charsley, Gary Lennon, SPT, Crumb, Mike H, Richard Turner, Ross Byres, GS#429, The Chair & AW
37405 6T79 1555 Whitehall - Healey Mills
37406 6W05 1000 Sutton bridge - Bescot
Gaz, Bushcutta, Chris Horner, AJS & Lawe
37405 0T80 0900 Toton to Doncaster Up Dcy
7T80 Doncaster Up Dcy - Healey Mills
6T79 2259 Healey Mills - Whitehall
37406 6w05 2244 Bescot - Sutton bridge
37410 + 37422 1Z37 0619 Birmingham Int - Onllwyn Between Birmingham Int - Llanelli
1Z37 0619 Birmingham Int - Onllwyn Between Swansea Burrows sidings - Onllwyn
1Z74 1333 Onllwyn - Birmingham Int Between Neath & Brecon Jctn - Cwmgwrach
1Z74 1333 Onllwyn - Birmingham Int Between Jersey Marine South Jtcn - Uskmouth Fifoots ps
1Z74 1333 Onllwyn - Birmingham Int Between Newport - Birmingham Int
Ray Harvey, Simon Cresswell, John Dawson, AW, Carl Grocott, Chris Horner, Ray Harvey, Matt Spencer, Mike H, The Lizard & The Charter Muff
37038 + 20313 @ Carlisle
37406 0Z67 Bescot - Washwood Heath
0Z68 Washwood Heath -Bescot
6W04 1714 Bescot - Pwllheli - Bescot
37410 0Z37 Motherwell - Crewe
37410 + 37422 0Z37 Crewe - London
37606 + 37611 0Z37 Derby - Crewe
37612 0Z37 Carlisle - Derby
John Burch, Mike Byrne, Euan Thomson, Chuds, Andrew Chambers, Gwot, Bushcutta, Gaz, The Chair, GS#404, TM, AW & Steve Charsley
37059 + 20302 6C22 Kingmoor - Sellafield
37087 + 37510 6O62 Willesden - Dungeness
6M95 Dungeness - Willesden
37218 6C24 Carlisle - Sellafield
37605 + 37609 1Q14 0957 Hither Green - Selhurst via Dover
Marc Ely, Steve Hatcher, RJ, Gwot & Benno
37038 4Z43 Kingmoor - Haverton Hill
4Z44 Haverton Hill - Carlisle
37059 + 20302 6S43 Carlisle - Torness
6M50 Torness - Carlisle
37069 0Z38 Stoke Gifford - Stowmarket
37405 + 37422 6P24 0530 Arpley - Heywood
6P25 1015 Heywood - Arpley
6Z69 1632 Arpley - Toton Between Arpley - Armitage, failed, 66233 came to the resuce
37406 6O12 Bescot - Didcot
37406 + 66226 DIT 6M65 1807 Didcot - Carlisle Between Didcot - Bescot
37510 + 37087 6K73 Sellafield - Crewe
37605 + 37609 1Q14 Hither Green - Hither Green Via Victoria
37612 0Z37 0831 Derby RTC - Ayr
Jed McCormick, Paul Braddock, Tony Barnes, Mike Byrne, Pete Rogers, Gwot, Euan Thomson, Wilbert Bennett, Rob Brooks, GS#421, Peter Tandy, Tom Harwin, Benno, JBC, AJS, Tim Rogers & Steve Charsley
37069 0Z37 Stow Market - Ashford
6Z37 Ashford - Stoke Gifford
37229 + 47802 0Z37 Derby - Crewe
37510 7C20 Sellafield - Drigg
37605 + 37609 1Q14 Hither Green - Hither Green Via London Bridge
Mark Birkin, Dean Gibbs, Benno, Roger Smith, RJ, Dave Grew & Steve Charsley
37038 4S51 Carlisle - Grangemouth
4M53 Grangemouth - Carlisle
37198 1050 Okehampton - Meldon
1200 Coleford Junc - Meldon
1400 Okehampton - Meldon
1445 Sampford C - Meldon
1545 Sampford C - Meldon
1645 Sampford C - Meldon
37229 + 47802 1Z19 0815 Inverness - Kings Cross Between Inverness - York
0Z19 York - Derby
37406 0S26 0718 Mossend - Glasgow
0D26 0837 Polmadie - Mossend
1Z99 Mossend - Kincraig
5S26 Kincraig - Inverness
1M16 Inverness - Euston Between Inverness - Edinburgh
37410 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37606 + 37611 4Z10 1953 Derby - Tysley
37609 + 37605 1Z14 0618 Derby RTC - Hither Green
Alasdair Mulhern, Coxy, GS#429, Ewan, David Kirkwood, Ian Lindsey, Locoman419, Ralf Edge, Martin Taylor, eat, LesP, Guy H & Brian Carter
37611 + 37606 0Z37 GrestyB - Derby RTC
Steve Charsley
37229 + 47802 1Z20 0722 Inverness - Kyle
1Z21 1600 Kyle - Inverness, 47802 on the rear
37321 1130 Buckfastleigh - Totnes
1217 Totnes - Buckfastleigh
1300 Buckfastleigh - Totnes
1343 Totnes - Buckfastleigh
1500 Buckfastleigh - Totnes
1547 Totnes - Buckfastleigh Between Totnes - Staverton, failed to activate track circuit so everyone detrained and loco and stock forward to Buckfastleigh as E.C.S.
37406 5D30 Polmadie - Mossend
37422 6D19 0640 Warrington Arpley - Holyhead
6F18 1450 Holyhead - Warrington Arpley
Simon Cresswell, Mike Byrne, Birdie, Grant Fleming, Gary Lennon, Dougie, Murray Lewis, Benno, Tim Rogers, Wilbert Bennett & SPT
37229 + 47802 1Z18 0805 Kings Cross - Inverness Between York - Falkirk Grahamston
5Z18 Falkirk Grahamston - Stirling Via Mossend
1Z19 1817 Stirling - Inverness
37410 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37602 + 37606 + 37611 0Z37 Derby RTC - Gresty Bridge
Bruce Kitchener, David White, Lawe, Benno, Guy H, Graham Sang & Ewan
37038 0Z37 0830 York Parcel Siding - Kingmoor
47802 + 37229 0Z17 0950 Kingomoor - York
37405 0Z37 Inverness - Motherwell
37406 6Zxx 10xx Linkswood - Mossend
37410 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
6K18 2330 Millerhill Yard - Springburn
37605 + 37609 0920 Hither Green - Hither Green Via Portsmouth
Alastair Blackwood, EE507, Lawe, Ewan, Grant Fleming, Gary Lennon, Bruce Kitchener, Martin Taylor & SPT
37038 0Z37 York - Crewe
20302 + 37059 6S43 Carlisle - Torness
37410 6R59 0450 Mossend - Dalry Roche
0D59 Dalry Roche - Mossend
66103 + 37417 DIT 0D83 Aberdeen - Motherwell
92016 + 37417 DIT 6M76 Mossend - Bescot Between Mossend - Arpley
37422 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37510 4Z43 Carlisle - Haverton Hill
4Z44 Haverton Hill - Carlisle
37606 + 37611 stabled on Peterborough
Richard Birse, Jim Ramsay, The Lizard, Ewan, Coxy, SPT, Lawe, Barry Gill, Jonathan Hare & Greasyrails
37422 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37510 + 66412 4Z12 1040 Kingmoor - Kingmoor via Appleby
The Lizard, GS#421, Patrick Hutton & Ewan
67023 + 37401 0Z82 Old Oak Common - Wembley Yd
92002 + 37410 + 37406 DIT 6X77 Wembley - Mossend
37422 6S22 0623 Tyne Yd - Thornton Between Tyne Yd - Millerhill
37602 + 37607 1Z14 0757 Derby RTC - Acton Canal Wharf
1Z15 1054 Acton CW - Hither Green
Ken Short, Roger Smith, Keith Sanders, Chuds, Martin Taylor, SPT, Jacko, Grant Fleming & Les P
37219 1020 Toddington - Cheltenham Racecourse
1110 Cheltenham Racecourse - Toddington
1202 Toddington - Winchcombe
1225 Winchcombe - Toddington
37324 1152 Toddington - Winchcombe
1215 Winchcombe - Toddington
37324 + 37215 1350 Toddington - Cheltenham Racecourse
1440 Cheltenham Racecourse - Toddington
37324 + 37219 + 37215 1610 Toddington - Cheltenham Racecourse
1655 Cheltenham Racecourse - Toddington
Big Al & Tony Barnes