Last modified
13:06 01-08-07
37069 TnT 37602 4Q10 0556 Carilsle - Ayr
37218 TnT 37259 1Q14 0902 Derby RTC - Norwich via Ilford
37229 6C42 1150 Sellafield - Carlisle
37410 0E02 Warrington Arpley - Crewe Basford Hall
6E02 Basford Hall - Scunthorpe
37410 + 66034 DIT 6M05 Scunthorpe - Northenden
0Z42 Northenden - Warrington
37422 6M49 Millerhill - Carlisle
920xx + 920xxDIT + 37422 DIT Carlisle - Eastleigh Between Carlisle - Arpley
darkglasses, Darren Wetherall, AJS, Andrew Naylor, LesP, Gaz, Guy Houston, Gwot, The Gen Master, D172, Ben Wheeler, Barry Fotter, SJP & Chris Pelling
66150 + 37422 0N32 1420 Thornaby - Tyne Yard
37422 0Z37 1530 Tyne Yard - Millerhill Yard
Tony Barnes,
Paul Scott & Gaz
37069 + 37602 + 37218 + 37259 0Z37 1430 Crewe - Derby RTC
37422 0N10 2215 Toton - Thornaby TMD
Duncan Jennings & RedVanMan
37607 + 37069 0Z37 Derby RTC - Crewe GB
Mark Birkin & Steve charsley
37410 6D19 1335 Arpley - Holyhead
6F18 1750 Holyhead - Arpley
37605 TnT 37606 1Q18 1011 Motherwell - Derby RTC
Mike Byrne, Sel Williams, Lawe, RJ, Andrew Naylor, Alastair Blackwood, Carl Grocott, SPT, GS#429 Compo, John Dawson, Gwot & Warren Desmond
37038 + 20313 0Z37 0800 Crewe - Chester
37059 + 20303 6C53 Crewe - Sellafield
37229 6C24 Carlisle - Sellafield
37259 + 37218 0Z37 Derby RTC - Crewe GB
66133 + 37405 DIT 0D44 1247 Bescot - Toton
37410 6E02 Basford Hall - Scunthorpe
6M02 1530 Scunthorpe - Basford Hall
37605 TnT 37606 1Q18 0839 Motherwell - Motherwell Via Ayr
Warren Desmond, Ian Lindsey, David Kirkwood, Mike Byrne, Gaz, Compo, Greasyrails, Daniel Brereton & Gwot
37038 + 20313 6O62 Willesden - Dungeness
6M95 Dungeness - Willesden
6K51 Willesden - Crewe
37059 0Z37 0800 Crewe CS - Chester
37069 TnT 37607 4Q10 2230 Bristol Barton Hill - Derby RTC
37259 TnT 37218 1Q14 0409 Eastleigh - Derby RTC
92012 + 37405 DIT 6M76 Mossend - Bescot
37410 0P64 Warrington Arpley - Bootle Jn
0P65 Bootle Jn - Warrington Arpley
37518 left Ayr depot by low loader about ten o clock
37605 TnT 37606 1Q18 0912 Motherwell - Motherwell Via Gourock
Carl Gorse, Andrew, Mike Byrne, The Lizard, Gary Lennon, GS#421, David Kirkwood, James Stearn, Gaz, Matthew Joseph Dodd, RJ & Gwot
37038 + 20313 6A73 Crewe - Willesden
37069 TnT 37607 4Q10 1549 Derby RTC - Bristol Barton Hill
37259 TnT 37218 1Q14 0512 Westbury - Eastleigh Via Weymouth
37422 0F54 Bescot - Toton
37510 0Z37 Crewe - Chester
37605 TnT 37606 1Q18 1001 Motherwell - Motherwell Via Glasgow C & Larkhall
Warren Desmond, Steve Charsley, Lawe, Alastair Blackwood, David Kirkwood, Andrew Tansell, Panda, Chris Pelling, Matthew Joseph Dodd, Neville Higman, S Club, Nic Joynson & Gwot
37069 TnT 37607 4Z10 0850 Derby RTC - Derby RTC Via Stoke
66034 + 37406 DIT Bescot - Toton
37605 TnT 37606 1Q18 0942 Derby RTC - Motherwell TMD
Mark Birkin, The Chair, Roger Smith, Andrew Naylor, Steve Charsley, Phil Grain & Brother Viscount
37069 + 37607 Crewe - Derby RTC
37248 5Z93 1300 Minehead - Stewarts Lane
Garry Sparks, Mick & MF
37248 1Z92 0700 Minehead - London Victoria Between Minehead - Taunton
1Z93 1656 London Victoria - Minehead Between Taunton - Minehead
37607 + 37602 + 37059 0Z37 Derby - Crewe
Steve Charsley, Jamie Squibbs & The Lizard
37059 + 37607 4Q10 2010 Cambridge - Derby RTC via Norwich
37248 5Z92 1205 Stewarts Lane - Minehead
37422 0E02 Warrington Arpley - Scunthorpe
6M02 1530 Scunthorpe - Basford Hall
37515 0Z37 1920 Newcastle Central - Kingmoor
37606 0Z37 0528 Derby RTC - Derby RTC via Welbeck & Thoresby collieries
darkglasses, The Lizard, GS#429, Martin Taylor, RT, Gaz, Warren Desmond & Ian T
37059 + 37607 4Q10 2100 Peterborough - Cambridge via Clacton
37218 + 37259 1Q14 0638 Salisbury - Salisbury via Exeter
37510 0Z32 Crewe GB - Oxford R/L
0Z32 Oxford - Crewe R/L
37515 0Z88 York - Carlisle as far as Newcastle
37605 0Z37 Derby RTC - Ilford
Mick Sasse, Gwot, The Lizard & Ian T
37038 + 20313 6C51 Sellafield - Heysham
37059 + 37607 4Q10 2105 Ilford - Peterborough via Cambridge
37218 + 37259 1Q14 0807 Bournemouth T+RSMD - Salisbury
37406 0Z71 0856 Mossend - Mossend via Shettleston and Hyndland
37422 0E02 Warrington Arpley - Crewe Basford Hall
6E02 Basford Hall - Scunthorpe
6M02 1530 Scunthorpe - Basford Hall
37510 0Z32 Crewe GB - Oxford R/L
0Z32 Oxford - Crewe R/L
37515 0Z88 0845 York Parcels Sidings - York Parcels Sidings via Chesterfield
Chris Pelling, Ian T, LesP, Greasyrails, Warren Desmond, John Dawson, Gary Lennon & Roger Smith
37218 + 37259 1Q14 0956 Selhurst - Bournemouth
37422 0E02 Warrington Arpley - Crewe Basford Hall
6E02 Basford Hall - Scunthorpe
6M02 Scunthorpe - Basford Hall
37510 0Z32 Crewe GB - Oxford R/L
0Z32 Oxford - Crewe R/L
37515 0Z88 0845 York Parcels Sidings - York Parcels Sidings via Chesterfield
37605 + 37606 0Z37 0700 Crewe - Derby RTC
Crumb, Ian T, Warren Desmond, RJ, John Dawson, James Mayl, Gwot, GS#429, Gaz & Steve Charsley
37038 + 20313 6E44 0743 Kingmoor - Seaton
0M60 1320 Seaton - Kingmoor
37422 0E02 Warrington Arpley - Crewe Basford Hall
6E02 Basford Hall - Scunthorpe
0M02 Scunthorpe - Basford Hall
37510 5Z51 0907 Crewe CS - Oxley
0Z57 Oxley TCSD - Crewe Gresty Lane
37607 + 37059 4Q10 Derby - Old Oak Common
Mark Grimes, John Dawson, Carl Grocott, The Chair, Warren Desmond, AJS, GS#421, Ross & EE507
37059 + 37069 4Z10 0600 Crewe - Derby RTC
37069 + 37059 + 37606 0Z37 Derby RTC - Crewe GB
37116 1110 Chinnor - Thame Junc - Chinnor
1330 Chinnor - Thame Junc - Chinnor
1600 Chinnor - Thame Junc - Chinnor
37405 0Z14 0818 Mossend - Deanside
0Z15 1046 Deanside - Mossend
Chris Pelling, Ewan, Steve Charsley & The Gen Master
37406 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37422 + 37410 0E02 Basford Hall - Scunthorpe
6M02 Scunthorpe - Basford Hall
Lee Marshall, Gwot & ikb5069
37059 0Z37 0802 Derby RTC - Tyseley
37059 + 37069 4Q10 Tyseley - Aberystwyth
37218 + 37259 1Q14 1000 Hither Green P.A.D - Selhurst T&R.S.M.D Via Dover Priory
37405 6A30 Mossend - Aberdeen
6D83 Aberdeen - Mossend
37406 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellmains
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
6B45 1425 Powderhall - Oxwellmains
6B46 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B46 Powderhall - Millerhill
37422 + 37410 0E02 Warrington Arpley - Crewe BH
6E02 Basford Hall - Scunthorpe
0M02 Scunthorpe - Basford Hall
37510 + 57008 + 57012 DIT 0Z57 Gresty Bridge - Oxley
37607 0Z37 1030 Tyseley - Derby RTC via Reading
Paul Braddock, Steve Perryman, Alastair Blackwood, Richard Birse, Ian T, Gwot, Warren Desmond, Gaz Hamilton, Guy Houston, locoman419, Ewan, GS#421, Steve Charsley & Bruce Kitchener
37038 + 20313 6C51 Sellafield - Heysham
6C52 Heysham - Sellafield
37069 + 37607 4Z10 1801 Didcot Yd - Tyseley TMD Via Shrewsbury
37218 + 37259 1Q14 0935 Hither Green - Hither Green Via Victoria
37406 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37410 + 37422 6E02 Basford Hall - Scunthorpe
6M05 Roxby Gullet - Northenden Between Scunthorpe - Healey Mills with 60082
37602 0Z37 Derby RTC - Ilford EMD
37605 + 37609 0Z37 Crewe - Carlisle
Ian T, Bruce Kitchener, Gwot, Gaz, Carmarthen4076, JL ML, Anon & Keith
37069 + 37607 4Z10 2000 Taunton - Didcot via Exeter
37194 6C42 1150 Sellafield - Carlisle
37218 + 37259 1Q14 Hither Green - Hither Green Via London Bridge
37405 6W56 0435 Dovey Junctoin - Bescot
92005 + 37405/66152 DIT 6S73 Bescot - Mossend
37410 + 37422 0E02 Arpley - Scunthorpe
6E02 1530 Scunthorpe - Crewe
37510 0Z37 Stowmarket - Crewe
37606 + 20302 6K73 1538 Sellafield - Crewe
6A73 Crewe - Willesden
darkglasses, Steve Charsley, Ben Wheeler, greasyrails, Tim Ward, Carl Grocott & Gwot
37069 + 37607 4Q10 1856 Derby RTC - Taunton
37218 + 37259 1Q13 0749 Derby RTC - Acton
37405 6G36 0909 Bescot - Birch Coppice
6G42 Birch Coppice - Bescot
0G25 Bescot - Washwood Heath
6G22 Washwood Heath - Bescot
6W56 Bescot - Dovey Junction
37406 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 0949 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
6B45 1450 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
37410 0Z37 1130 Arpley - Arpley Via Crewe
37410 + 37422 6L32 2340 Crewe BH - Carlisle
37515 0Z88 0754 York - York via Leeds
37605 passed Claymills heading for Burton with two 66's
Mark Birkin, GS#429, Lee Marshall, LesP, The Chair, Mark Enderby, Gwot & The Lizard
37175 1G83 0920 Bury - Rawtenstall
1J64 1006 Rawtenstall - Heywood
1J71 1115 Heywood - Bury
1F79 1414 Bury - Ramsbottom
1F80 1504 Ramsbottom - Bury
1J87 1620 Bury - Rawtenstall
1H93 1815 Heywood - Bury
37406 7K25 Inverkeithing - Millerhill Yd
37607 + 37069 + 37605 0Z37 1430 Gresty Bridge - Derby RTC
Tim Rogers, Simon Cresswell, Steve Charsley, The Lizard & jmy
37010 at Barrow Hill
37038 at Kingmoor open day
37175 1F67 1044 Bury - Ramsbottom
1F68 1134 Ramsbottom - Bury
1J76 1336 Rawtenstall - Heywood Between Bury - Heywood, after 55022 failed
1J83 1445 Heywood - Rawtenstall
1J84 1616 Rawtenstall - Heywood
1J93 1725 Heywood - Rawtenstall
37217 at Barrow Hill
37248 1Z82 0905 Victoria - Alton Between Guildford - Alton
1Z83 1552 Alton - Waterloo Between Alton - Woking
37609 + 37069 + 37607 0Z37 Derby RTC - Crewe GB
37688 named 'Kingmoor TMD' at Kingmoor open day
Mick Parker, Martian Hopper, Tony Barnes, Chris Pelling, John Dawson, Simon Jowett, Martian, Steve Charsley & Lawe
37059 0Z12 Crewe Gresty Bridge - Gresty Bridge
37087 + 20304 + 20307 6C53 Crewe - Sellafield
37175 1H60 0906 Bury - Heywood
1J65 0935 Heywood - Rawtenstall
1J69 1100 Bury - Rawtenstall
1J70 1146 Rawtenstall - Heywood
1J77 1305 Heywood - Bury
1F79 1414 Bury - Ramsbottom
1F80 1504 Ramsbottom - Bury
1F85 1604 Bury - Ramsbottom
1F86 1654 Ramsbottom - Bury
37194 7C20 Sellafield - Digg
7C21 Drigg - Sellafield
37405 6K16 Arpley - Crewe
6Z71 1630 Warrington Arpley - Toton
37406 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37410 6K31 0930 Crewe Wks - Stoke Marcroft
6F31 1240 Stoke Marcroft - Warrington Arpley
37515 at York
37609 0Z37 Selhurst - Derby RTC
JP, Richard Birse, Mark Birkin, Brother Viscount, Alan Turton, Steve Charsley, TM, John Dawson, Gwot, Jon Bradley, Gaz, Bushcutta & Lawe
37038 + 86218 + 86232 DIT 0Z38 Glasgow Works - Deanside
37059 0Z12 Crewe Gresty Bridge - Gresty Bridge
37405 0Z67 0900 Bescot - Gloucester New Yard - Bescot route learner
0D44 Bescot - Toton
6G45 1638 Toton - Bescot
37406 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37410 6Z80 Bescot - Long Marston
37515 0Z05 0806 York - Kingmoor
37605 + 66418 + 66409 0Z37 0717 Kingmoor - Derby RTC
37607 + 37069 4Q15 1805 Polmadie - Carlisle
Ewan, Gary Lennon, David Kirkwood, Steve Charsley, Big Steve, Brother Viscount, Peter Tandy, Jack Boskett, Jonathan Giles, Andrew Naylor, The Lizard & Bruce Kitchener
37059 0Z12 Crewe Gresty Bridge - Gresty Bridge
37175 1H60 0906 Bury - Heywood
1J65 0935 Heywood - Rawtenstall
1J69 1100 Bury - Rawtenstall
1J70 1146 Rawtenstall - Heywood
1J65 1305 Heywood - Bury
1F79 1414 Bury - Ramsbottom
1F80 1504 Ramsbottom - Bury
1J87 1620 Bury - Rawtenstall
1G88 1706 Rawtenstall - Bury
37194 7C20 Sellafield - Digg
7C21 Drigg - Sellafield
37259 + 37218 1Q14 0930 Hither Green - Charing Cross
1Q15 1434 Charing Cross - Hither Green
37229 6C22 Carlisle - Sellafield
37229 + 37194 6C51 Sellafield - Heysham
6C52 Heysham - Sellafield
37405 6X77 Bescot - Arpley
37406 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37410 0Z37 Arpley - Carlisle S&C r/l
0Z38 Carlisle - Arpley
37510 0Z14 Stowmarket - Colchester Yd
37515 0Z04 York - Millerhill
37609 0Z37 Derby - Old Oak Common
Andy Foster, jmy, Steve Charsley, GS#429, Benno, Andy Appleton, Ian Lindsey & Gwot
37059 0Z12 Crewe Gresty Bridge - Gresty Bridge
37259 + 37218 1Z15 0547 Hither Green - Hither Green Via Waterloo
66059 + 37422 + 37405 6G19 Wembley - Bescot
37410 6F60 0633 Arpley - Folly Lane
37606 0Z37 Oxford - Gresty Bridge
Andrew Chambers, James Stearn, 81D, Alan Turton, Roger Smith, Tim Rogers & Gwot
37069 tnt 37607 4Q12 0750 Derby - Carlisle
4Q14 1636 Carlisle - Polmadie
37218 tnt 37259 1Q15 1053 Acton Canal Wharf - Hither Green
37406 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 0949 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
6Z44 1400 Powderhall - Oxwellmains
6Z45 1630 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B45 Powderhall - Millerhill
37410 0Z37 Arpley - Carlisle S&C r/l
0Z38 Carlisle - Arpley
Bruce Kitchener, John Dawson, Andrew Naylor & Chris Pelling
37227 1200 Shackerstone - Shenton
1235 Shenton - Shackerstone
1320 Shackerstone - Shenton
1355 Shenton - Shackerstone
1440 Shackerstone - Shenton
1515 Shenton - Shackerstone
1600 Shackerstone - Shenton
1635 Shenton - Shackerstone
GS#429, Chris Pelling & Chris Pelling