Last modified
19:41 05-09-08
37248 1Z86 1415 Wemyss Bay - Spean Bridge
David Kirkwood
37417 light engine down through Miles Platting / Man Vic @ 1650
37422 6D19 0640 Arpley - Holyhead
6F18 1443 Holyhead - Arpley
37712 5Z82 07xx Southall - London Victoria
1Z84 1428 Ramsgate - Faversham
5Z85 21xx London Victoria - Southall
Solomon420422, VANUSMANUS, Andy Foster, Ivor Bufton & uk37429
37248 1H84 0810 Dundee - Edinburgh
37401 6F60 0621 Arpley - Folly Lane
0F60 Folly Lane - Arpley
37609 tnt 37612 1Q14 0940 Cambridge TMD - Derby RTC
37712 5Z82 1010 Holgate - Southall
Simon Jowett, Wavy Gravy, JP, Mark Wallace, Gaz, Martin Taylor & Daz
37248 5H82 Boat of Garten - Kingussie Between = Aviemore - Kingussie
1H82 1258 Kingussie - Dundee
37417 6H66 0423 Arpley - Dowlow
66137 + 37417 DIT 6F67 Dowlow - Arpley
37417 + 37401 6E33 Arpley - Immingham, 417 removed at Healey Mills
37422 Bescot - Washwood Heath
37606 + 37611 6D41 Crewe - Valley
6K41 Valley - Crewe
37609 tnt 37612 1Q14 Colchester - Cambridge TMD
37667 + 37688 6C22 Kingmoor - Sellafield
Gwot, GS#429, 31466, jim60080, ikb5069, The Chair, Ross Byres, Neil Hendry & Wilbert Bennett
37248 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh - Carrbridge
37401 0K31 Arpley - Crewe IEMD
6K31 Crewe - Stoke Marcroft
6F31 1240 Stoke Marcroft - Arpley
37417 6E02 Basford Hall - Scunthorpe
0M03 Scunthorpe - Arpley
37422 6D37 Bescot - Burton
6G77 Burton - Bescot
0G63 Bescot Down Side - Wolverhampton Steel Terminal
6G63 Wolverhampton Steel Terminal - Bescot Down Side
37609 + 37612 1Q14 0820 Derby RTC - Colchester
37667 + 37688 6S43 Carlisle - Torness
6M50 Torness - Carlisle
Solomon420422, Steve Charsley, Phillip Watts, Paul Allison, Jack Prentice, ikb5069, James Power, The Chair, Scott Spencer, David Pemberton & Bruce Kitchener
37248 1H80 0645 Keith - Kyle of Lochalsh
37401 6M44 1229 Eastleigh - Wembley
66183 + 37401 DIT 6X77 Wembley - Mossend diverted via Chiltern Line between Wembley - Arpley
37422 6H66 0423 Arpley - Dowlow
6F67 Dowlow - Arpley
0F61 Arpley - Folly Lane
6F61 Folly Lane - Arpley, assited by 37417 after slipping to a stand up the bank at Folly Lane
Solomon420422, runcorn sprog, Steve Charsley, Andy Appleton, Big John, Roger Smith & Compo
37248 1H88 0638 Wemyss Bay - Edinburgh
1H79 1327 Edinburgh - Keith
37417 + 37422 1Z26 0022 Crewe - Glasgow Central Between Crewe - Millerhill Yard
1Z30 1409 Glasgow Central - Bristol TM Between Glasgow Central - Carlisle, 417 failed at Beattock loop
37609 + 37612 5Q14 1730 Crewe - Derby RTC via walsall
Carl Grocott, Jack Prentice, Mark Sutton, Chris Pelling, Scott Spencer, Dan43004, Phil C, Jim Ramsay & Birdie
37401 Southcote Junction - Eastleigh Loco Holding Sidings Ballast
37025 1615 Bo'ness - Birkhill
1642 Birkhill - Bo'ness
37401 2230 Eastleigh Loco Holding Sidings - Southcote Junction
37417 5Z62 Crewe HS - Liverpool Lime St.
37901 0945 Bury - Heywood
1020 Heywood - Rawtenstall
1130 Rawtenstall - Heywood
1240 Heywood - Rawtenstall
1400 Rawtenstall - Heywood
1520 Heywood - Rawtenstall
1630 Rawtenstall - Bury
D6700 1630 Grosmont - Pickering
Chris Pelling,
Clive, Neil, Andy Foster, Wilbert Bennett & rushman40
66054 + 37077 + 37377 6Z70 1143 Barton Hill - Eastleigh via Southampton
37229 + 37667 6S54 Kingmoor - Hunterston
6M22 Hunterston - Kingmoor
37248 0Z37 Carnforth - Fort William
37417 6F60 0621 Arpley - Folly Lane
0F60 Folly Lane - Arpley
37422 6F10 1127 Warrington - Gladstone Dock
37612 tnt 37608 1Q14 1002 Selhurst - Derby RTC
David Mant, mr37701, Jack Prentice, Steve Charsley, ruston165 & Trainonline
37059 + 37423 + 47712 4Z75 1200 Wembley - Chaddesden
0Z75 1800 Chaddesden - Gresty Bridge
37248 5Z33 Fort William - Carnforth
37417 6H66 0423 Arpley - Dowlow
6F67 Dowlow - Arpley
37611 + 37605 6V74 0210 Crewe CLS - Bridgwater
6M67 1400 Bridgwater - Crewe CLS
Darren Wetherall,
Richard Holmes, Steve Charsley, Ralf Edge, Jonathon Giles, Carl Westwood, Trainonline, Andrew Chambers, Stephen Beeston, KennyM, Compo & Tom Noble
37229 + 37667 6S43 Carlisle - Torness
6M50 Torness - Carlisle
37248 0Z37 Craigentinny - Fort William
37417 6N42 Arpley - Blackburn
6F42 Blackburn - Arpley
37608 tnt 37612 1Q14 0727 Selhurst - Lovers Walk Via Hastings
Thegrimsheeper, Tom Noble, Jonathon Giles, Chris Pelling & Trainonline
37417 6F60 Arpley - Folly Lane
0F60 Folly Lane - Arpley
6F50 Arpley - Allerton
37422 6H66 0423 Arpley - Dowlow
6F67 Dowlow - Arpley
37608 tnt 37612 1Q14 0943 Hither Green - Selhurst Via Victoria
Stephen Beeston, Richard Boyd, Compo, Ian Hunt & Steve Charsley
920xx + 37417 + 37422 DIT 6X76 Mossend - Bescot Between Mossend - Arpley
37422 0Z27 0526 Millerhill - Mossend
37608 tnt 37612 1Q15 0745 Derby RTC - Hither Green
37712 0Z37 1100 Bo'ness - Carnforth
Steve Charsley, Jack Prentice, Graeme Wilson & trainonline
37025 1615 Bo'ness - Birkhill
1642 Birkhill - Bo'ness
37422 + 37417 5Z26 0821 Millerhill - Edinburgh
1Z26 0850 Edinburgh - Oban
1Z27 1845 Oban - Edinburgh
37712 + 55022 5Z55 Dundee - Bo`ness
Keith Nairn, MQOS,
Martin Taylor, Chuds, Alastair Blackwood, Brian Flannigan, Jack Prentice & Guy Houston
37059 + 37423 1Z45 0628 Wolverhampton - Cleethorpes
1Z47 1656 Cleethorpes - Wolverhampton
37607 6C24 Kingmoor Yard - Sellafield Yard
37712 1Z55 0630 Dundee - Scarborough Between York - Scarborough
1Z47 1831 Scarborough - Dundee Between Scarborough - York
Simon Jowett, GS#421,
James Power, Mark Sutton, Clagmeister, Carl Grocott, 47118, The Fat Controller & Gwot
37038 + 37602 6C53 Crewe - Sellafield
37229 0Z25 Kingmoor - Preston
37417 6F60 Arpley - Folly Lane
0F60 Folly Lane - Arpley
6F10 Arpley - Gladstone
6F15 Gladstone - Arpley
37422 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0721 Powderhall - Oxwellmains
6B44 1045 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37611 + 37605 6D41 Crewe - Valley
6K41 Valley - Crewe
55022 + 40145 + D5310 + 37712 0Z25 1510 Carnforth - Bo'ness
97304 + 97303 tnt 97301 5Z97 0705 Derby RTC - Derby RTC Via Barrow Hill (twice)
Martian Hopper,
Andrew Naylor, GS#429, Stuart Daniels, Graeme Wilson, 50033, Tim Rogers, trainonline & uk37429
37038 + 37602 6V74 0210 Crewe CLS - Bridgwater
6M67 1400 Bridgwater - Crewe CLS
37248 0Z37 1541 Perth - Fort William
47712 + 37059 + 37423 0Z40 1000 Crewe GB - Wembley TC
37417 6H66 0423 Arpley - Dowlow
6F67 Dowlow - Arpley
37422 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0721 Powderhall - Oxwellmains
6B44 1045 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37606 + 37609 6C22 Carlisle KM - Sellafield
6K73 Sellafield -Crewe CLS
37607 0Z23 Crewe GB - Stoke Marcroft
4Z23 Stoke Marcroft - Carlisle KM
37611 4Z22 Carlisle KM - Stoke Marcroft
0Z22 Stoke Marcroft - Crewe GB
37667 6C42 Sellafield - Carlisle Yard
37712 5Z37 Southall - Carnforth
97301 + 97303 + 97304 5Z97 0945 Derby RTC - Sheffield - Derby RTC
Alan Brewer, Steve Charsley, David Forbes,
Big Dan, Ewan, MQoS, Bad Monkey, Tom Noble, greasyrails, Tony, Phil C, Carl Grocott, Richard Boyd, Mark Sutton, Guy Houston, Jonathon Giles & trainonline
37417 0K31 Arpley - Crewe IEMD
6K31 Crewe - Stoke Marcroft
6F31 1240 Stoke Marcroft - Arpley
37422 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0721 Powderhall - Oxwellmains
6B44 1045 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
6B45 1302 Powderhall - Oxwellmains
6B46 1604 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B46 Powderhall - Millerhill
37606 + 37609 6S43 Carlisle - Torness
6M50 Torness - Carlisle
MQOS, Neil Hendry, Jack Prentice & Steve Charsley
37248 5Z22 0807 Inverness - Tain
1Z22 1150 Tain - Kyle of Lochalsh
37417 6H66 0423 Arpley - Dowlow
6F67 Dowlow - Arpley
37422 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0721 Powderhall - Oxwellmains
6B44 1045 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37606 0Z20 Kingmoor - Grangemouth
37606 + 66423 0Z20 Grangemouth - Carlisle Kingmoor
37612 + 37038 5Z97 1600 Crewe CLS - Derby RTC
97301 + 97303 + 97304 5Z97 0945 Derby RTC - Sheffield - Derby RTC
Clagmeister, Jonathon Giles, Perth Panther, Steven Robertson, greasyrails & trainonline
47804 + 37248 5Z21 1300 Craigentinny - Inverness Yard
37417 0Z93 Millerhill Yard - Mossend
92030 + 37417 DIT Mossend - Arpley
37422 + 37417 5Z93 0510 Aberdeen - Millerhill Yard
37605 + 37608 1Q14 0810 Derby - Colchester
97301 + 97303 + 97304 5Z97 0945 Derby RTC - Sheffield - Derby RTC
Darren Wetherall, Richard Birse,
MQOS, Tom Noble, Aaron Miller, Jack Prentice, Carl Westwood, Dan C, Iain Wright, Jim Ramsay, Freightliner66522 & Stan Davies
37248 1H87 0752 Bridge of Orchy - Wemyss Bay
37417 + 37422 1Z37 1015 Aberdeen - Dunrobin
5Z37 1546 Dunrobin - Brora
5Z38 1812 Brora - Dunrobin
1Z38 1826 Dunrobin - Aberdeen
Alan Brewer,
Tom Tractor Trash, Steven Robertson, Riverman2903, Jord, Joseph Mather, Wilbert Bennett, Ian Fint & Alastair Blackwood
37406 and 37416 are still stored at the back of Eastleigh depot
37417 + 37422 5Z69 Millerhill - Aberdeen
37422 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0721 Powderhall - Oxwellmains
6B44 1045 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
Steve B, Jack Prentice & Dave Edmondston
37248 0Z37 0907 Carnforth - Fort William
37417 6F60 Arpley - Folly Lane
0F60 Folly Lane - Arpley
92026 + 90029 + 37417 DIT 6S73 1612 Bescot - Mossend Between Arpley - Carlisle
37422 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0721 Powderhall - Oxwellmains
6B44 1045 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37423 5Z02 1213 Southall - Derby
37518 1130 Wansford - Yarwell - Peterborough - Wansford, private charter for a wedding.
37605 + 37602 1Q18 0924 Crewe CS - Derby RTC via Euston
37606 + 37611 6S54 Kingmoor - Hunterston
6M22 Hunterston - Kingmoor
Rugby, JP, Ewan, trainonline, Gary Price, Jack Prentice, James Power, Carl Grocott, Andrew Chambers, Compo, Big Dan, Chris Pelling & Steve Charsley
37038 + 37602 1Q18 Crewe CS - Crewe CS via Euston
47501 + 37059 + stoneblower 6Z47 Ashford - Willesden
20310 + 20313 + 37059 6K51 willesden - Crewe
37417 6H66 0431 Arpley - Dowlow
6F67 Dowlow - Arpley
37422 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0721 Powderhall - Oxwellmains
6B44 1045 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37423 2Z03 London Bridge - Grain
2Z04 Grain - Clapham Junction
37712 5Z94 0905 Southall - Waterloo
5Z95 2235 Waterloo - Southall
GS#421, Steve Hatcher, Carl Grocott, Ian Hunt, Graeme Wilson, James Mayl, Steve Charsley, AJS, Mike Cox, Big Dan, Matt Spencer, Dan43004, Wilbert Bennett & Tim Rogers
37038 + 37607 1Q18 0900 Falkland Up Yard - Crewe LNWR Via Glasgow C
37059 0Z37 Stowemarket - Ashford
20307 + 20311 + 37069 + 57011 0Z37 0900 Crewe CLS - Derby FMR
37417 0Z42 0530 Crewe IEMD - Warrington Arpley
37422 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0721 Powderhall - Oxwellmains
6B44 1045 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
6B45 1302 Powderhall - Oxwellmains
6B46 1604 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B46 Powderhall - Millerhill
37423 5Z01 0848 Clapham Junction Yard - Clapham Junction
2Z01 0853 Clapham Junction - Farnham CSD
2Z02 1101 Farnham CSD - London Bridge
2Z03 1321 London Bridge - Grain
2Z04 1645 Grain - Clapham Junction
37605 + 37602 6K73 Sellafield - Crewe
Keith Sanders, Richard Holmes, Steve Hatcher, Steve Charsley, Ian Hunt, Andrew Naylor, Aidan, Wilbert Bennett & Jonathon Giles
37038 + 37608 1Q18 0730 Crewe LNWR - Falkland Yard via Glasgow C
37248 5Z37 Fort William - Shields
37423 5Z01 0848 Clapham Junction Yard-Clapham Junction
2Z01 0853 Clapham Junction-Weymouth Jersey Siding
2Z02 1325 Weymouth Jersey Siding-Ludgersall MOD
2Z03 1722 Ludgersall MOD-Clapham Junction
5Z03 1954 Clapham Junction-Clapham Junction Yar
37605 + 37602 6C51 Sellafield - Heysham
0C52 Heysham - Sellafield
Chris Pelling, Eliot Andersen, Gary Lennon, Aidan, Jack Prentice & Andrew Naylor
37038 + 37608 1Q18 0920 Derby RTC - Crewe CSFL Via Liverpool LS
37248 5Z37 1315 Mossend DY - Fort William
37259 + 66422 DIT 0Z66 Crewe Gresty Bridge - Kingmoor
37422 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0721 Powderhall - Oxwellmains
6B44 1045 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37423 5Z01 1215 Derby RTC - Clapham Junction Yard
Alastair Blackwood,
Ian Bowskill, Patrick Hutton, GS#421 & Jonathon Giles
37248 1H87 0752 Bridge of Orchy - Wemyss Bay
37254 2G01 1000 Tunbridge Wells West - Groombridge
2T02 1028 Groombridge - Tunbridge Wells West
2G07 1300 Tunbridge Wells West - Groombridge With 33065
2T08 1328 Groombridge - Tunbridge Wells West
2G11 1500 Tunbridge Wells West - Groombridge With 33065
2T12 1528 Groombridge - Tunbridge Wells West
2G15 1700 Tunbridge Wells West - Groombridge With 33063
2T16 1732 Groombridge - Tunbridge Wells West With 33063
37314 1215 Loughborough - Leicester North
1305 Leicester North - Loughborough 31463 attached to front of train just outside Rothley
1415 Loughborough - Leicester North
1500 Leicester North - Loughborough
37417 5z81 1240 Edge Hill - Crewe ECS
37608 + 37038 0Z37 Crewe - Derby RTC
Doug Barrow, Mike Byrne, Matt, Andy Foster, Tim Rogers & Stephen Beeston
37254 2G03 1030 Tunbridge Wells West - Groombridge
2T04 1058 Groombridge - Tunbridge Wells West
2T06 1158 Groombridge - Tunbridge Wells West With 33063
2G11 1430 Tunbridge Wells West - Groombridge (failed between Tunbridge Wells West and High Rocks)
2G21 1940 Tunbridge Wells West - Groombridge With 73140
2G23 2035 Tunbridge Wells West - Groombridge With 73140
2G25 2115 Tunbridge Wells West - Groombridge With 73140
37417 6D19 0640 Arpley - Holyhead
6F18 1443 Holyhead - Arpley
Liverpool Lime Street - Edge Hill ECS
37422 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0721 Powderhall - Oxwellmains
6B44 1045 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37612 tnt 37259 5Z37 Derby RTC - Crewe CS
37906 1000 Kidderminster - Bridgnorth
1155 Bridgnorth - Kidderminster
Doug Barrow, Matt, Mike Byrne, Warren Desmond, Kev Connell, Keith Sanders, Mike Cox, D200 & Steve Charsley
37254 2G01 1100 Tunbridge Wells West - Groombridge with 33063
2T04 1128 Groombridge - Tunbridge Wells West with 33063
2G05 1200 Tunbridge Wells West - Groombridge
2T06 1238 Groombridge - Tunbridge Wells West
2G13 1615 Tunbridge Wells West - Groombridge with 33065
2T14 1643 Groombridge - Tunbridge Wells West with 33065
2T20 1908 Groombridge - Tunbridge Wells West
2T22 2008 Groombridge - Tunbridge Wells West
2T24 2100 Groombridge - Tunbridge Wells West
37417 6N42 Arpley - Blackburn
6F42 Blackburn - Arpley
0F61 Arpley - Folly Lane
6F61 Folly Lane - Arpley
37602 + 37605 6S54 Kingmoor - Hunterston
6M22 Hunterston - Kingmoor
Doug Barrow, 37410, Alastair Blackwood, Anon, Compo, Steve Charsley & Jonathon Giles