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37059 6C23 Sellafield - Barrow Docks
37229 + 37607 + 37194 6S43 Kingmoor - Torness
6M50 1535 Torness - Carlisle
37324 1130 Toddington - Cheltenham Racecourse
1220 Cheltenham Racecourse - Toddington
1500 Toddington - Cheltenham Racecourse with 56003
1550 Cheltenham Racecourse - Toddington with 56003
37610 + 20311 6C53 Crewe - Sellafield
37401 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
Paul, Keith & GS#421
37069 + 37608 6K73 1412 Sellafield - Crewe
37197 0Z37 Carnforth - Kingmoor
37401 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37601 + 37603 5X10 1003 North Pole - Dollands Moor
5X11 1332 Dollands Moor - N Pole
37610 + 20311 6O62 Willesden - Dungerness
6M95 Dungeness - Willesden
37669 + 37670 6H02 Newport Docks - Llanwern
6H03 Llanwern - Newport Docks
0M12 1827 Newport ADJ - Bescot
SPT, garstangpost, Kim Fullbrook, Marc Ely & GS#421
37059 + 37218 6E44 0743 Kingmoor - Seaton on Tees
6M60 1253 Seaton - Kingmoor
37069 + 37608 6K73 1412 Sellafield - Crewe
37229 4M53 Grangemouth - Kingmoor
37401 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37609 + 37611 4z10 1807 Carlisle - Derby
37610 0Z85 Crewe - York
37610 + 20311 with 20310 + 37602 DIT 6A73 Crewe - Willesden
37669 + 37670 6V15 0100 Warrington Arpley - Newport ADJ
0H05 Newport - Llanwern
6H05 1653 Llanwern - Newport docks
Ian hardy, Steve Charsley, greasyrails, GS#421, Jon Barlow, 993312, garstangpost & tre pol pen
37069 + 37608 6K73 1535 Sellafield - Crewe
37401 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37601 + 37603 5X10 1003 North Pole - Dollands Moor
5X11 1332 Dollands Moor - N Pole
37602 + 37606 6K41 1514 Valley - Crewe
37610 + 20310 6V74 Crewe - Bridgwater
6M67 Bridgwater - Crewe
37669 + 37670 0F85 1035 Newport to Margam alox MGAX
0A59 1710 Margam - Godfrey Road
6M75 1916 Newport ADJ - Warrington Arpley
John Dawson, 37180, Adrian Jackson, SPT, garstangpost, Gwot, GS#421 & Ken Harris
37401 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37602 + 37606 6O62 Willesden - Dungerness
6M95 Dungeness - Willesden
37609 + 37611 4Z10 1742 Derby RTC - Carlisle
37670 + 37669 6C01 0917 Newport ADJ - Bristol
0C02 1406 Bristol - Newport ADJ
6W50 2000 Machen Quarry - ADJ
Tez, Eric W, Big Al, Steve Charsley, Mark Williams, SPT, GS#421, Jonathan Giles & David Loveday
37401 1B01 1910 Fort William - Edinburgh
37416 6K20 Shields - Millerhill
GS#429, GS#421, GOUT, Steve Johnson & Grant Fleming
37401 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
37670 + 37669 6Z06 1445 Washwood Heath - Cardiff Tidal scrap
Cardiff Tidal scrap - Newport Light Engine
Big Al, Jonathan Giles, Mike Hollick, Michael Ratledge & greasyrails
37059 + 20307 6K73 1535 Sellafield - Crewe
37229 + 37194 0Z30 York - Kingmoor
37259 + 20313 6C51 Sellafield - Heysham
37401 1Z11 0710 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37416 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37607 + 20314 6K41 1514 Valley - Crewe
20310 + 37610 6C29 Sandbach - Sellafield
37670 6B01 0518 Mossend - Riccarton
6D61 1248 Riccarton - Mossend
37670 + 37669 6M76 2134 Mossend - Bescot
Big Al, John Dawson, Grant Fleming, Steve B, Nick Rennie, Jacko, Euan Thomson, Andrew Naylor, Ian Hardy, Steve Charsley, Ian McMillan & SPT
37259 + 20313 6C51 Sellafield - Heysham
6C52 Heysham - Sellafield
37401 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37406 + 67014 DIT 4D05 1137 Inverness - Mossend
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37416 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37417 + 37427 6A30 1022 Mossend - Aberdeen Guild Street
37607 + 20314 6K73 1535 Sellafield - Crewe
37612 0Z40 1100 Norwich - Ashford Chart Leacon
6Z40 1730 Ashford Chart Leacon - Doncaster
Nick Chadha, Chris Pelling, Jamie McEwen, eat, greasyrails, Sprog, garstangpost, Mark Bearton, Gwot, wavy gravy, Paul & SPT
37218 + 20310 6C53 Crewe - Sellafield
37229 + 37194 0L01 1200 Haverton Hill - York Up Yard
37259 + 20313 6K73 1535 Sellafield - Crewe
37401 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37416 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37417 + 37427 0R80 1923 Mossend - Irvine
6D80 2201 Irvine - Mossend
37427 5S26 Glasgow Central - Polmadie
20314 + 37607 6S43 0435 Kingmoor - Torness
37609 + 37611 4Z10 1918 Derby RTC - Swindon
37669 + 37670 0S65 0912 Carlisle Yard - Mossend
Sprog, Jacko, Grant Fleming, John Dawson, garstangpost & SPT
37218 + 20310 6M95 Dungeness - Willesden
20313 + 37259 6S54 0435 Kingmoor - Hunterston
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37406 0Z37 Millerhill - Inverness
37416 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
66114 + 37417 6D83 1545 Aberdeen - Mossend
37607 + 37610 0P11 Crewe - Sellefield
37669 + 37670 6C73 1615 Bescot - Carlisle
John Dawson, Paul, Andrew Stoddon, Sprog, Nick Chadha, geordie, GS#421, garstangpost, Steve Charsley, Gwot, 37192 & SPT
37218 + 20310 6A73 Crewe - Willesden
37406 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37416 0B41 Millerhill - Powderhall
6B41 0755 Powderhall - Oxwellsmain
6B44 1119 Oxwellmains - Powderhall
0B44 Powderhall - Millerhill
37419 0Z37 0900 Old Oak - Wembley Yd
37419 + 56070 and 56112 DIT 5Z56 Wembley - Old Oak
37602 + 203xx 6K73 1535 Sellafield - Crewe
37669 + 37670 0Z96 Godfrey Rd - Bescot
Big Al, Grant Fleming, Steve Charsley, Phil Mason, Sprog, nick rennie & SPT
37142 1050 Bodmin General - Boscarne Junction
1112 Boscarne Junction - Bodmin General
1335 Bodmin General - Bodmin Parkway (with 33110)
1400 Bodmin Parkway - Bodmin General (with 33110)
1600 Bodmin General - Bodmin Parkway (with 20166)
1625 Bodmin Parkway - Bodmin General (with 20166 on rear)
37416 1B01 1910 Fort William - Edinburgh
37669 + 37670 6W32 1143 Craven Arms - Newport ADJ
7B48 1415 Newport ADJ - Machen
0B50 XXXX Machen Quarry East Usk
XXXX XXXX East Usk - Machen Quarry
7B47 1821 Machen - Newport ADJ
Patchway, Adrian Kenny, Garry Sparks, Gwot, GS#421, Paul Harley, Andrew Tansell, Mr_37701 & 37884
37218 + 37059 1Z55 0713 Gloucester - Hull Between Crewe - Wakefield
37411 2131 Cardiff Central- Rhymney
37416 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
37669 + 37670 6W32 2002 East Usk - Morlais Junction
Paul@Aber, Martin Hopper, Tony Banes, Quinton, GS#421, Nick Round, Andy K, Adrian Kenny, greasy rails & Gwot
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37416 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37603 + 37604 5X10 1003 North Pole - Dollands Moor
5X11 1331 Dollands Moor - N Pole
37670 0V16 1500 Temple Mills - Didcot Yard
0D23 2245 Didcot Yard - Newport ADJ
Chris Jaxon, Gwot, SPT & Tony
37069 TnT 20313 6F25 0601 Sellafield - Runcorn
6K26 1216 Runcorn - Sandbach
6C27 1427 Sandbach - Sellafield
37406 6K66 1500 Arisaig - Millerhill Yd
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37416 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37425 0Z37 1035 Norwich - Temple Mills
37601 + 37603 5X10 1003 North Pole - Dollands Moor
5X11 1331 Dollands Moor - N Pole
37607 + 20310 6K41 1514 Valley - Crewe
37612 6Z21 Ashford - Newark
Steve Charsley, SPT, Sprog, GS#421 & Christopher Holt
37059 + 37610 6M50 1528 Torness PS - Carlisle
20305 + 37218 6M95 Dungeness - Willesden
37406 6K66 1500 Arisaig - Fort William
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37416 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37601 5X10 1003 North Pole - Dollands Moor
5X11 1331 Dollands Moor - N Pole
37611 + 37609 4Z10 0103 Derby RTC - Neville Hill
4Z10 2355 Neville Hill - Derby RTC
37669 0Z98 Crewe EMD - Bescot TMD
GS#421, Ewan, Steve Charsley, Marc Ely, 993312 & Tony
37059 + 37610 6M22 Hunterston - Kingmoor
37194 Carlisle - Barrow - Carlisle Snow clearance
37406 6K18 0842 Fort William - Arisaig
6K18 1550 Glenfinan - Fort William
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37416 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37601 5X10 1003 North Pole - Dollands Moor
5X11 1331 Dollands Moor - N Pole
37607 + 20310 6K73 1535 Sellafield - Crewe
37669 out on test 0Z23 09:45 Bescot to Crewe Electric
GOUT, Chris Pelling, Martin Taylor, Tony, garstangpost, Christopher Holt, Brother Cutter & GS#421
37059 + 20310 7C21 Drigg - Sellafield
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37416 1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37406 6K70 0638 Millerhill - Fort William
37602 + 20307 6E44 0743 Kingmoor - Seaton on Tees
6M60 1253 Seaton - Kingmoor
37612 0Z35 Crewe - Gloucester
6Z35 1410 Gloucester - Crewe
Ian Hardy, Mark Grimes, Roger Smith, GS#421, Steve Johnson, Peter Foster & Tony Barnes
37240 1330 Carrog - Llangollen
37411 2R20 2016 Cardiff - Rhymney
37609 + 37611 4Z10 Derby - Derby via St Pancras
37901 1230 Llangollen - Carrog
greasy rails, John Dawson, Simon Cresswell, Grant Fleming, GS#421, Matt Dodd & Andrew Fulcher
47854 + 37197 DIT 0Z47 Carnforth – Edinburgh
37240 + 37901 1100 Llangollen - Carrog
37240 1250 Carrog - Llangollen
1435 Llangollen - Carrog
1550 Carrog - Llangollen
37901 1150 Carrog - Llangollen
1300 Llangollen - Carrog
1450 Carrog - Llangollen
1600 Llangollen - Carrog
1650 Carrog - Llangollen
37416 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
Ian Hardy, Dave Jenkinson, GS#421, Tim Rogers, John Dawson, Oliver Turner & Andrew Frodsham
37069 + 37607 0K26 Crewe CLS - Folly Lane
6C28 Folly Lane - Sellafield
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37416 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37601 + 37604 + 373xxx 5X10 1331 Dollands Moor - N Pole
37602 4Z47 0710 Kingmoor - Stoke Marcroft
4Z48 Stoke Marcroft - Kingmoor
37609+37611 0Z37 Crewe CS - Derby RTC
4Z10 Derby RTC - Derby RTC via Crewe
Paul@Aber, Lawe, Phil Mason, Bill, Steve Charsley & SPT
37406 6K66 0840 Fort William - Arisaig
6K66 1550 Arisaig - Millerhill Yd
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37416 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37601 + 37604 + 373xxx 5X10 1331 Dollands Moor - N Pole
37607 + 37069 0K73 Sellafield - Crewe
37608 + 20313 6V74 Crewe - Bridgwater
6M67 Bridgwater - Crewe
37612 0L72 Willesden - Southminster
6M75 Southminster - Willesden
garstangpost, Marc Ely, Chris Pelling, SPT &smp; GS#421
20312 + 37218 6O62 Willesden - Dungerness
6M95 Dungeness - Willesden
37229 7C20 Sellafield - Drigg
7C21 Drigg - sellafield
37406 6K66 0840 Fort William - Arisaig
6K66 1550 Arisaig - Fort William
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37416 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37607 + 37069 6S43 Carlisle - Torness
6M50 1535 Torness - Carlisle
greasy rails, D Llewellyn James, GS#404, SPT & Chris Pelling
37069 TnT 37605 6F25 0601 Sellafield - Runcorn
6K26 1216 Runcorn - Sandbach
6C27 1427 Sandbach - Sellafield
20312 + 37218 6K73 1538 Sellafield - Crewe
37406 6K19 0840 Fort William - Arisaig
6K19 1550 Arisaig - Fort William
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37416 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37608 + 20305 0D41 Crewe - Valley
Mick Parker, Tgreasy rails, Paul@Aber, Davies the Tax , The Lizard, garstangpost, Alasdair Mulhern, Andrew Naylor & GS#421
37069 + 37602 6E44 0743 Kingmoor - Seaton on Tees
6M60 1253 Seaton - Kingmoor
37259 0Z37 0830 Kingmoor - Glasgow Works
0Z38 1244 Glasgow Works - Kingmoor
37406 6K70 0838 Millerhill Yard - Fort William Yard
37411 2F10 0744 Rhymney - Cardiff
2R20 1701 Cardiff - Rhymney
37416 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37609 TnT 37611 4Z10 Derby - Carlisle
greasy rails, John Dawson, Angus, Paul, Gwot, eat, Paul@Aber, Grant Fleming, The Chair, Gwot, 37884, Steve Charsley, GS#421, SPT, Martin Taylor, Ian Hardy, garstangpost & Tony Barnes
37411 + 47854 D.O.R 5N11 1025 Canton - Newport
37411 1936 Cardiff Central - Newport
37416 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
37425 0F03 0800 Wembley Yard - Acton Yard
Andrew Budd, Retford, John Dawson, Lawe, GS#422, GS#421, SPT, Gwot & Philip Hayward
50031 + 37411 DIT 6Z37 0903 Old Oak - Cardiff
37416 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
92005 + 37425 DIT 6A42 1515 Bescot - Wembley
Lawe, Grant Fleming, Tim Proudman, GS#421 & SPT
37406 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37425 6W53 0930 Machynllh - Bescot Between Machynllh - Talerddig
67029 + 37425 6W53 0930 Machynllh - Bescot Between Talerddig - Bescot
37611 TnT 37609 4Z08 1858 Crewe - Liverpool Lime Street - Crewe
Grant Fleming, SPT, Tim Proudman, Paul, Mike Byrne, Gwot & Roger Smith
37229 4S51 0858 Kingmoor - Grangemouth
37401 1Z99 Inverness - Perth
37416 1Y11 0450 Edinburgh - Fort William
1B01 1955 Fort William - Edinburgh
37417 1Z99 Inverness - Laurencekirk
37425 6W53 1410 Barmouth - Bescot, terminated at Machynlleth, should continue it journey tomorrow
37608 + 20312 6M95 Dungeness - Willesden
Grant Fleming, greasy rails, James Martin, Bushcutter, SPT, 37884 & HoPpY


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