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Last modified 20:32 30-11-09

37038 tnt 37603 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37059 tnt 37601 3W94 0904 Stowmarket - Ipswich
3W95 0935 Ipswich - Lowestoft
3W96 1228 Lowestoft - Norwich
3W97 1401 Norwich - Cromer
3W98 1531 Cromer - North Walsham
3W98 1730 North Walsham - Stowmarket
37218 tnt 37611 1Q89 0414 Selhurst - Westbury
37423 tnt 47832 5Z20 0545 Carlisle - Workington
2T18 0705 Workington - Maryport
2Z19 0725 Maryport - Workington
2T20 0810 Workington - Maryport
2Z21 0833 Maryport - Workington
2T22 0940 Workington - Maryport
2Z23 1000 Maryport - Workington
2T24 1030 Workington - Maryport
2Z25 1050 Maryport - Workington
2T26 1120 Workington - Maryport
2Z27 1145 Maryport - Workington
2T28 1220 Workington - Maryport
2Z29 1250 Maryport - Workington
2T30 1335 Workington - Maryport
2Z31 1400 Maryport - Workington
2T32 1445 Workington - Maryport
2Z33 1510 Maryport - Workington
2T34 1550 Workington - Maryport
2Z35 1625 Maryport - Workington
2T36 1700 Workington - Maryport
2Z37 1720 Maryport - Workington
2T38 1755 Workington - Maryport
2Z39 1820 Maryport - Workington
2T40 1850 Workington - Maryport
2Z41 1915 Maryport - Workington
5Z21 2105 Workington - Carlisle
92009 + 37425 DiT 6X77 1732 Wembley - Mossend Between Arpley - Mossend

97301 0Z97 0912 Derby RTC - York Parcels Sidings
Simon Jowett, Roger Smith, Andy 81E, boroman, ruston165, Grandad Pip, Geoff T & Runcorn Sprog
37059 tnt 37601 3S91 0915 Stowmarket - Norwich
3S92 1140 Norwich - Ely
3S93 1340 Ely - Norwich
3S94 1510 Norwich - Lowestoft
3S95 1632 Lowestoft - Harwich Int
3S96 1850 Harwich Int - Stowmarket
37609 + 37259 5Z38 1351 Coventry yard - Carnforth
0Z37 Carnforth Steamtown - Crewe GB
Martin Brigham, Geoff, Steve Chaplin & Runcorn Sprog
37038 tnt 37603 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37069 tnt 37604 3S54 0046 Colchester - Harwich Int
3S55 0136 Harwich Int - Manningtree
3S56 0200 Manningtree - Stowmarket
37516 1Z64 1653 York - Rose Grove Between Carnforth UDGL - Rose Grove

37609 + 37259 1Z34 0604 Birmingham Int - Newcastle, With 47787 DoR for Heat, failed on Heaton
5Z35 1259 Newcastle - Heaton T&RSMD
5Z36 1425 T&RSMD - Newcastle
1Z36 1450 Newcastle - Birmingham Int
37611 + 37218 5Z37 1203 Crewe - Selhurst
37706 5Z82 1331 Waterloo - Latchmere Jc
5Z83 1648 Clapham Yd - Waterloo
Simon Jowett, Barrie Jowett, Iain Wright, DRS37059, AJN, Andy Stoddon, Steve charsley, Scott Spencer, Tim Rogers, Runcorn Sprog, Big Dan, Carl Grocott, Staffs Oatcakes, Martin Taylor & Dave Ross
37069 tnt 37604 3S50 1935 Stowmarket - Norwich
3S51 2045 Norwich - Ely
3S52 2156 Ely - Norwich
3S53 2317 Norwich - Colchester
37194 + 37510 6L70 0446 Willesden Brent Sidings - Sizewell, With 47802 + 37604 providing the traction Between Willesden - Ipswich
6M69 1534 Sizewell - Willesden Brent Sidings
6K51 2109 Willesden Brent Sidings - Crewe CLS
47832 tnt 37423 5Z34 0545 Kingmoor - Workington
2T01 0700 Workington - Maryport
2T02 0725 Maryport - Workington
2T03 0810 Workington - Maryport
2T04 0833 Maryport - Workington
2T05 0945 Workington - Maryport
2T06 1002 Maryport - Workington
2T07 1550 Workington - Maryport
2T08 1625 Maryport - Workington
2T09 1700 Workington - Maryport
2T10 1720 Maryport - Workington
2T11 1755 Workington - Maryport
2T12 1820 Maryport - Workington
2T13 1850 Workington - Maryport
2T14 1915 Maryport - Workington
5Z35 2000 Workington - Kingmoor
37603 + 37607 6E44 0741 Kingmoor - Seaton on Tees
0M60 1325 Seaton on Tees - Sellafield
97301 0Z97 0950 Worcester Yard - Derby RTC
Graeme MacDiarmid, DRS 37059, Geoff T, Colin, GS#429, Jonathan Giles, Scott Spencer, Martin Taylor & Lizard
37038 tnt 37603 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37087 tnt 37601 3S13 0044 Romford - Upminster
3S14 0056 Upminster - Strafford
3S15 0110 Strafford - Braitnree
3S16 0229 Braitnree - Witham
3S17 0251 Witham - Stowmarket
37194 + 37510 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield
37229 + 37688 0Z40 0321 Crewe GB - Gloucester N.Y.
6Z40 0649 Gloucester New Yd - Long Marston, as far as Honeybourne
37401 0H66 0431 Arpley - Dowlow
6F67 0950 Dowlow - Arpley
6F51 Arpley - Allerton
XXXX Allerton - Arpley
0Z89 1830 Arpley - Bescot
37423 + 47832 5Z40 1619 Crewe GB Kingmoor
37510 + 37194 DIT 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe
37602 + 37607 6S43 0438 Carlisle - Torness
6M50 1507 Torness - Carlisle
37604 + 47802 0Z62 Nuneaton - Stafford
0Z26 Stafford - Willesden
37610 + 37667 0C24 0751 Carlisle - Sellafield
37611 0Z25 Derby RTC - Crewe GB
37706 5Z34 0402 Southall WCRC - Poole Between Southall WCRC - Poole sdgs
5Z37 2020 Poole Eastleigh RC Between Poole sdgs - Eastleigh RC
97301 0Z97 0950 Worcester Yard - Worcester Yard
Martin Taylor, Driff47844, Steve Charsley, John Dawson, Lizard, ian60033ed, The Black Watch & Scott Spencer
37087 tnt 37601 3S10 2113 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S11 2253 Shenfield - Southend Vic
3S12 2342 Southend Vic - Romford
37194 + 37510 6V74 0150 Crewe Coal Siding - Bridgwater
6M67 1402 Bridgewater - Crewe
37218 0Z37 1238 Kingmoor - Crewe GB
37401 6N42 0838 Arpley - Blackburn
6F42 1415 Blackburn - Arpley
67029 dragge 37406 + 37670 from Crewe Electric Depot to Crewe DMD, 37s were then shunted into North End of Diesel Depot for storage.
37602 + 37607 6C46 1936 Sellafield - Carlisle
37611 0Z25 1302 Derby RTC - Crewe GB
Matt, Ben Wheeler, DRS 37059, Scott Spencer, Ruston165, Graeme MacDiarmid, Lizard & ian60033ed
37038 tnt 37603 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37069 + 20304 6Z24 Stowmarket - Ilford Works
37087 tnt 37601 3S60 0921 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S61 1136 Shenfield - Clacton
3S62 1305 Clacton - Colchester
3S63 1402 Colchester - Norwich
3S64 1809 Norwich - Ely
3S66 1929 Ely - Stowmarket
37194 & 47802 + 47832 0Z37 1301 York PS - Crewe GB
37229 + 37688 6O62 0208 Crewe - Dungeness
6M95 1635 Dungeness - Willesden Brent Sidings
37259 + 37602 + 37607 + 37609 0C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield
37259 + 37609 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe
37401 0Z37 0900 Arpley - Arpley Via Peak Forest
37425 6H66 0431 Arpley - Dowlow
6F67 0950 Dowlow - Arpley
37602 + 37607 0C51 Sellafield - Heysam
6C52 1605 Heysham - Sellafield

37610 + 37667 6E44 0741 Kingmoor - Seaton
0M60 1325 Seaton on Tees - Sellafield
37688 + 37229 & 57007 + 37608 + 20301 DIT 6K51 2109 Willesden Brent Sidings - Crewe CLS
97301 0Z97 0801 Derby RTC - Worcester Yard
Tony Barnes, Runcorn Sprog, Steven Allen, The Urbanite, Geoff T, Colin, Jonathan Giles, Runcorn Sprog, Ian Jackson, Michael, Guy, Dickie & DRS37059

37038 tnt 37603 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle

37194 On York P SD
37229 + 37688 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe
92012 & 37401 + 37425 DIT 0Z23 Bescot - Arpley
37510 + 37259 + 37607 + 37602 0W91 Bescot - Crewe GB
37087 tnt 37601 3W88 0926 Stowmarket - Norwich
3W89 1028 Norwich - Acle
3W90 1101 Acle - Norwich
3W91 1128 Norwich - Lowestoft
3W92 1320 Lowestoft - Ipswich
3W93 1547 Ipswich - Stowmarket
37608 + 20301 0Z40 Stowmarket - Willesden Brent Sidings, Collected 57007 at Ilford
Tony Barnes, Simon Jowett, kl47576, The Urbanite, Dave Shell, Scott Spencer, Runcorn Sprog & Steve Charsley
37087 tnt 37601 3S91 0915 Stowmarket - Norwich
3S92 1140 Norwich - Ely
3S93 1340 Ely - Norwich
3S94 1510 Norwich - Lowestoft
3S95 1632 Lowestoft - Harwich Int
3S96 1850 Harwich Int - Stowmarket
37259 6W94 1350 Tywyn – Bescot

37401 6W91 Tywyn - Tywyn Via Barmouth Ballast drop
37425 6W91 1955 Tywyn - Bescot Up Engineers Sdgs Between Tywyn - Machynlleth
37510 6W92 1750 Tywyn – Bescot Between Tywyn - Machynlleth
37510 + 37425 6W91 1955 Tywyn - Bescot Up Engineers Sdgs Between Machynlleth - Bescot Up Engineers Sdgs, after combing trains at Machynlleth
37602 6W93 1550 Tywyn – Bescot
37608 tnt 20304 3S12 Stowmarket - Gidea Park
3S13 Gidea Park - Southend Victoria
3S14 Southend Victoria - Shenfield
3S15 Shenfield - Stowmarket
37611 0Z37 Ferme Park - Derby RTC
37676 + 37516 5Z42 1333 Preston - Carnforth
Warren Desmond, Steve Rogers, The Black Watch, Steve Rogers, Carl Grocott, Geoff T, Ruston165 & Dickie
37038 tnt 37603 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle

37314 1215 Loughborough Central - Leicester North
1300 Leicester North - Loughborough Central
37401 6W91 1650 Bescot Up Engineers Sdgs - Tywyn

37425 + 37401 0W91 1145 Arpley - Bescot
37425 + 37259 DIT 6W94 1845 Bescot Up Engineers Sdgs - Tywyn
37510 + 37259 + 37602 + 37607 0W91 Crewe GB - Bescot
37602 6W93 2027 Bescot Up Engineers Sdgs - Tywyn
37607 6W92 1957 Bescot Up Engineers Sdgs - Tywyn
37611 5Z14 Dollands Moor - Ferme Park

37676 + 37516 5Z39 0344 Carnforth - Preston
1Z39 0603 Preston - Edinburgh
1Z40 1242 Edinburgh - Edinburgh Via Carstairs & Mossend
5Z40 1523 Edinburgh - Craigentinny
1Z41 1719 Edinburgh - Preston
gen37109, Mick Parker, Barrie Jowett, Alasdair Eadington, Mark Jones, Andy Foster, Alastair Blackwood, Big Dan, Carl Grocott, Ruston165, Runcorn Sprog, Steve Charsley & D8001
37038 tnt 37218 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37087 tnt 37601 3W94 0904 Stowmarket - Ipswich
3W95 0935 Ipswich - Lowestoft
3W96 1228 Lowestoft - Norwich
3W97 1401 Norwich - Cromer
3W98 1531 Cromer - North Walsham
3W98 1730 North Walsham - Stowmarket
37194 0O62 Crewe - Ashford CS
6Z37 1025 Ashford - Worksop

37229 + 37688 0E44 0741 Kingmoor - Seaton
6M60 1325 Seaton on Tees - Sellafield
37401 6K32 0901 Arpley - Stoke Marcroft
6F31 1254 Stoke Marcroft - Arpley
37425 6F60 Arpley - Folly Lane
0F61 0920 Folly Lane - Arpley
6F63 1113 Arpley - Folly Lane
6F61 1315 Folly Lane - Arpley
37611 5Z14 Selhurst - Dollands Moor
97301 0Z31 0851 Derby RTC - Derby RTC Via Barrow Hill
Tony Barnes, Graeme MacDiarmid, Ruston165, Ross Byres, Martin Taylor, Carl Grocott, Michael, Dickie, Alan Turton, DRS37059, Steve Charsley & Runcorn Sprog
37038 tnt 37218 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37087 tnt 37608 3S54 0046 Colchester - Harwich Int
3S55 0136 Harwich Int - Manningtree
3S56 0200 Manningtree - Stowmarket
37087 + 37601 6Z20 Stowmarket - Norwich
37229 + 37688 6S43 0438 Carlisle - Torness
6M50 1507 Torness - Carlisle
37401 6H66 0431 Arpley - Dowlow
6F67 0950 Dowlow - Arpley
37425 6D08 0553 Arpley - Toton
6F09 1026 Toton - Arpley
37607 + 37602 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield
0K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe
97301 0Z31 0851 Derby RTC - Derby RTC Via Barrow Hill
Dave Shell, Big john, Azza, Runcorn Sprog, Compo, Steve Charsley & Paul Robertson
37038 tnt 37218 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37059 tnt 37611 1Q93 Norwich - Liverpool St
1Q94 Liverpool St - Camden Rd via Southend Vic
37069 + 20304 6Z18 Ilford Works - Stowmarket
37087 tnt 37608 3W88 0926 Stowmarket - Norwich
3W89 1028 Norwich - Acle
3W90 1101 Acle - Norwich
3W91 1128 Norwich - Lowestoft
3W92 1320 Lowestoft - Ipswich
3W93 1547 Ipswich - Stowmarket
3S50 1935 Stowmarket - Norwich
3S51 2045 Norwich - Ely
3S52 2156 Ely - Norwich
3S53 2317 Norwich - Colchester
37194 + 37510 6V74 0150 Crewe Coal Siding - Bridgwater
6M67 1402 Bridgewater - Crewe
37229 + 37688 6C24 0751 Carlisle - Sellafield
37401 0Z37 0900 Arpley - Arpley Via Peak Forest
37425 6P80 Bearley Junc - Bescot
0Z42 1035 Bescot - Arpley
37602 0Z02 0830 York PS - Crewe
37610 + 37667 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield
JBC, The Urbanite, Matt Brown, Graeme MacDiarmid, Geoff, 31466, Martin Taylor, DRS37059, Ruston165, Runcorn Sprog & Lizard
37038 tnt 37218 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37059 tnt 37611 1Q92 Camden Rd - Norwich CP
37069 + 20304 6Z13 Stowmarket - Ilford Works
37401 6H66 0431 Arpley - Dowlow
6F67 0950 Dowlow - Arpley
37423 + 37610 6O62 0208 Crewe - Dungeness
6M95 1635 Dungeness - Willesden Brent Sidings
37423 + 37610 + 37604 6K51 2109 Willesden Brent Sidings - Crewe CLS
37425 6F13 0529 Arpley - Liverpool Docks
6F14 0902 Liverpool Docks - Arpley
0Z38 1045 Warrington - Wigan TMD
4Z99 1330 Wigan TMD - Bescot DS
37510 + 37194 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe
37602 6Z37 1300 St Blazey - York Thrall Europa

37609 Pottering through Crewe
37688 6C42 0810 Sellafield - Carlisle
Ian Bowland, Steve B, The Urbanite, Chris Warman, 37609, Azza, DRS37059, JBC, Geoff, Steve Charsley, ruston165, ian60033ed, MQOS, Matt Brown & Paul Johnson
37059 tnt 37611 1Q91 0626 Selhurst T&RSMD - Ferme Park Via Norwich
37069 tnt 20304 3S60 0921 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S61 1136 Shenfield - Clacton
3S62 1305 Clacton - Colchester
3S63 1402 Colchester - Norwich
3S64 1809 Norwich - Ely
3S66 1929 Ely - Stowmarket
37401 0Z37 0900 Arpley - Arpley Via Peak Forest

37602 6Z37 1115 York Thrall Europa - St Blazey
37609 + 37610 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe
97301 0Z31 0851 Derby RTC - Derby RTC Via Barrow Hill
Mark Birkin, Graeme MacDiarmid, Geoff, Lizard, James Mayl, DRS37059, Mr T, 31466, Ruston165, Grandad Pip, Compo, Neil Hendry & Ross Byers
37069 tnt 20304 3S12 Stowmarket - Gidea Park
3S13 Gidea Park - Southend Victoria
3S14 Southend Victoria - Shenfield
3S15 Shenfield - Stowmarket
37087 tnt 37608 3S91 0915 Stowmarket - Norwich
3S92 1138 Norwich - Cromer
3S93 1246 Cromer - Norwich
3S94 1342 Norwich - Lowestoft
3S95 1532 Lowestoft - Ipswich
3S96 1725 Ipswich - Stowmarket
The Black Watch, Geoff, kl47576 & Colin Makcrow
37038 tnt 37603 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37059 tnt 37611 1Q14 1847 Dollands Moor - Selhurst
37418 1355 Bury - Heywood
1420 Heywood - Rawtenstall
1540 Rawtenstall - Heywood
1650 Heywood - Bury
Andy Foster, Matt Brown & Marcus Fudge
37038 tnt 37603 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle

37059 tnt 37611 1Q14 0930 Derby RTC - Dollands Moor
37069 tnt 57003 3S60 0921 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S61 1136 Shenfield - Clacton
3S62 1305 Clacton - Colchester
3S63 1402 Colchester - Norwich Between Colchester - Ipswich
37087 tnt 57003 3S63 1402 Colchester - Norwich Between Ipswich - Norwich
3S64 1809 Norwich - Ely
3S66 1929 Ely - Stowmarket
37194 + 37510 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield

37229 + 37688 6E44 0741 Kingmoor - Seaton
6M60 1325 Seaton on Tees - Sellafield
37423 + 37608 6L70 0446 Willesden Brent Sidings - Sizewell, With 37087 to Ipswich
6M69 1534 Sizewell - Willesden Brent Sidings
37423 6K51 2109 Willesden Brent Sidings - Crewe CLS
37601 tnt 37604 3W88 0926 Stowmarket - Norwich
3W89 1028 Norwich - Acle
3W90 1101 Acle - Norwich
3W91 1128 Norwich - Lowestoft
3W92 1320 Lowestoft - Ipswich
3W93 1547 Ipswich - Stowmarket
37609 + 37610 6C22 0640 Carlisle - Sellafield
Tony Barnes, Darren Wetherall, The Urbanite, Wavy Gravy, Geoff T, Martin TaylorDRS37059, Dickie & Scott Spencer

37038 tnt 37603 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37059 tnt 37611 1Q18 0911 Crewe - Derby RTC Via Stockport & Birmingham INT
37087 0Z22 0757 Crewe Gresty Bridge - Derby RVEL

37087 + 37667 & 37259 DIT 0Z23 1229 Derby RVEL - Crewe Gresty Bridge
37087 + 37608 + 37423 6A73 2213 Crewe CS - Willesden Brent
37194 + 37510 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield
37229 + 37688 6S43 0438 Carlisle - Torness
6M50 1507 Torness - Carlisle
37401 6H66 0431 Arpley - Dowlow
6F67 0950 Dowlow - Arpley
47787 + 57601 + 47786 + 37516 0Z47 1000 Carnforth - Carnforth Via Crewe
37602 + 37607 6D41 0541 Crewe - Valley
6K41 1458 Valley - Crewe
97301 0Z97 1136 Ilford - Derby RTC
Tony Barnes, GS#421, Iain Wright, Andrew Naylor, Runcorn Sprog, Mark Sutton, Paul Allison, ruston165, Dave Ross, Sel Williams & Steve Charsley
37038 tnt 37603 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle

37059 tnt 37611 1Q18 0958 Derby RTC - Crewe Via Manchester Pic
37194 + 37510 6V74 0150 Crewe Coal Siding - Bridgwater
6M67 1402 Bridgewater - Crewe
37229 + 37688 6C46 1936 Sellafield - Carlisle
37602 + 37607 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield
6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe
37706 TnT 34067 Tangmere 5Z91 0941 Southall - Waterloo
97301 0Z97 Derby RTC - Ilford
Mark Birkin, Dickie, Azza, Paul Allison, Graeme MacDiarmid, The Black Hat, Mr T, Steve B, DRS37059, Ben Wheeler, Crompton, Remembrance Lizard, Steve Charsley & Scott Spencer
37038 tnt 37603 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37087 4M20 0156 Doncaster Ept - Crewe Bashford Hall
37401 6H66 0431 Arpley - Dowlow
6F67 0950 Dowlow - Arpley
37423 + 37608 6O62 0208 Crewe - Dungeness
6M95 1635 Dungeness - Willesden Brent Sidings
6K51 2109 Willesden Brent Sidings - Crewe CLS
37510 + 37194 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe
37601 tnt 37604 3S54 0046 Colchester - Harwich Int
3S55 0136 Harwich Int - Manningtree
3S56 0200 Manningtree - Stowmarket
3S60 0921 Stowmarket - Shenfield
3S61 1136 Shenfield - Clacton
3S62 1305 Clacton - Colchester
3S63 1402 Colchester - Norwich
3S64 1809 Norwich - Ely
3S66 1929 Ely - Stowmarket
37602 + 37607 6D41 0541 Crewe - Valley
6K41 1458 Valley - Crewe
Azza, Martin Brigham, Steve B, Geoff T, GS#421, The Black Watch, GW, Steve Charsley, Colin, Martin Taylor, DRS 37059, Dave Parker & Sel Williams

37038 tnt 37218 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37069 tnt 20304 3W88 0926 Stowmarket - Norwich
3W89 1028 Norwich - Acle
3W90 1101 Acle - Norwich
3W91 1128 Norwich - Lowestoft
3W92 1320 Lowestoft - Ipswich
3W93 1547 Ipswich - Stowmarket
37087 4E75 2046 Crewe - Doncaster
37229 + 37688 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe
37401 + 66099 ↦ 66047 DIT 0Z37 1231 Arpley - Mossend
37401 6M66 1851 Mossend Euroterminal - Arpley Sidings
37601 tnt 37604 3S50 1935 Stowmarket - Norwich
3S51 2045 Norwich - Ely
3S52 2156 Ely - Norwich
3S53 2317 Norwich - Colchester

37611 + 37059 0Z37 1039 Crewe GB - Derby RTC
Mark Birkin, Tony Barnes, Azza, Steve B, Tim Rogers, Graeme MacDiarmid, Steve Sumners, Andrew Naylor, Ruston165, Steve Barrow, GW & Steve Charsley
37038 tnt 37218 37603 3S10 1605 Carlisle - Preston - Carlisle
37069 tnt 20304 3S92 Lowestoft - Norwich
Martin Brigham, Geoff& Gary S. Smith
37038 tnt 37218 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37109 + 37418 2J66 1310 Rawtenstall - Heywood
37109 2J69 1420 Heywood - Rawtenstall
2H75 1650 Heywood - Bury
37418 2G57 0950 Bury - Rawtenstall
2J60 1040 Rawtenstall - Heywood
2J63 1200 Heywood - Rawtenstall With 37109 from Bury
2J72 1540 Rawtenstall - Heywood
37901 4G61 1130 Bury - Rawtenstall
4J64 1220 Rawtenstall - Heywood
4J67 1340 Heywood - Rawtenstall
4J70 1450 Rawtenstall - Heywood
4F73 1610 Heywood - Ramsbottom
4E76 1710 Ramsbottom - Bury
Kevin Delaney, Duncan & Runcorn Sprog
37038 tnt 37218 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37069 tnt 20304 3W94 0904 Stowmarket - Ipswich
3W95 0935 Ipswich - Lowestoft
3W96 1228 Lowestoft - Norwich
3W97 1401 Norwich - Cromer
3W98 1531 Cromer - North Walsham
3W98 1730 North Walsham - Stowmarket
37194 + 37510 6C22 0640 Carlisle - Sellafield
37229 + 37688 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield
37423 + 37608 6L70 0446 Willesden Brent Sidings - Sizewell
6M69 1534 Sizewell - Willesden Brent Sidings
37602 tnt 37607 1Q18 1015 Doncatser - Derby RTC Via Leeds
37602 + 37607 0Z37 Derby RTC - Crewe GB

97304 + 97302 0Z98 0954 Sutton Bridge Junction - Barrow Hill
Mark Birkin, Colin, Scott Spencer, 31466, Mr T, Darren Plunkett, Ian T, Geoff & Steve Charsley
37038 tnt 37218 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37059 + 37608 0Z05 0433 Crewe CLS - Bridgwater
6z05 1230 Bridgewater - Crewe
37087 + 37688 6D41 0541 Crewe - Valley
6K41 1458 Valley - Crewe
37194 + 37510 6S43 0438 Carlisle - Torness
6M50 1507 Torness - Carlisle
92013 + 92019 + 67002 + 37425 + 67016 6Z24 1125 Arpley - Bescot
37602 tnt 37607 1Q18 0828 Doncaster TMD - Doncaster TMD Via Kings Cross
37610 + 37609 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe
Azza, Mark Sutton, DRS 37059, Steve Charsley, 31466, Ruston165, Tim Rogers, Mike T, Ross Byers, Grumpys, Scott Spencer, Sel Williams & The Gunpowder Lizard
37038 tnt 37218 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37059 + 37608 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS - Sellafield
6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe
37194 + 37510 0C02 1508 Carlisle - Sellafield
6C46 1936 Sellafield - Carlisle
37602 tnt 37607 1Q18 Doncaster - Doncaster Via Cambridge
37688 + 37087 6V74 0221 Crewe CLS - Bridgwater
6M67 1402 Bridgewater - Crewe
Azza, Martin Brigham, Scott Spencer, Shrek, Graeme MacDiarmid, Alisdair Anderson, DRS 37059, Wavy Gravy, Dickie & The St Trinians Lizard
37038 tnt 37218 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37059 + 37608 6D41 0541 Crewe - Valley
6K41 1458 Valley - Crewe
37229 4M20 0156 Doncaster Ept - Crewe Bashford Hall
37401 6W90 0535 Harlech - Thingleys Between Harlech - Bescot
37425 6H66 0431 Arpley - Dowlow
6F67 0950 Dowlow - Arpley

37602 tnt 37607 1Q18 1030 Millerhill - Doncaster
37609 + 37610 6O62 0208 Crewe - Dungeness
6M95 1635 Dungeness - Willesden Brent Sidings
6K51 2109 Willesden Brent Sidings - Crewe CLS
37688 + 37087 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe
Barrie Jowett, Steve B, The Urbanite, Graeme MacDiarmid, Robert Wheatley, Chris Warman, Runcorn Sprog, Steve Charsley, GG, Michael, GS#421 & Sel Williams
37038 tnt 37218 3S10 0526 Carlisle - Nunthorpe - Carlisle
37229 4E75 2046 Basford Hall - Doncaster
67005 + 37401 DIT 0W90 1340 Arpley - Bescot
37401 6W90 1321 Thingleys - Tywyn Between Bescot - Tywyn
37602 tnt 37607 1Q19 0800 Derby RTC - Millerhill
37609 + 37610 6K73 1723 Sellafield - Crewe
Richard Moxon, Pete, Ruston165, Azza, Bushcutter, Graeme MacDiarmid, Staffs Oatcake, boroman & Martin Taylor
37069 tnt 20301 3S90 0930 Stowmarket - Norwich
3S91 1020 Norwich - Great Yarmouth (via Acle)
3S92 1050 Great Yarmouth - Norwich (via Reedham)
3S93 1145 Norwich - Cromer
3S94 1330 Cromer - Norwich
3S95 1415 Norwich - Lowestoft
3S96 1525 Lowestoft - Ipswich
3S97 1750 Ipswich - Stowmarket
kl47576, geoff1432002 & Mike Birch


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