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AugSeptember 1985Oct

37011 1Y13 1220 Glasgow QS - Oban101.32
37011 1T44 1800 Oban - Glasgow QS with 37049101.32
37012 1T18 0840 Fort William - Glasgow QS122.74
37021 2H61 0635 Inverness - Wick161.41
37021 2H62 1205 Wick - Inverness161.41
37025 1B17 1528 Carstairs - Edniburgh28.75
37026 1Y11 0820 Glasgow QS - Oban101.32
37026 1T28 1300 Oban - Glasgow QS101.32
37033 1S07 2100 Euston - Fort William Between Mossend Yd - Cowlairs14.08
37033 1S07 2100 Euston - Fort William Between Glasgow QS - Fort William122.74
37035 2H71 1041 Georgemas Jn - Thurso6.63
37035 2H72 1205 Thurso - Georgemas Jn6.63
37049 1T44 1800 Oban - Glasgow QS Between with 37011101.32
37112 1Y51 1005 Fort William - Mallaig41.36
37112 1M16 1742 Fort William - Euston Between Fort William - Glasgow QS122.74
37175 1S07 2100 Euston - Fort William Between Cowlairs - Glasgow QS2.11
37184 1Y23 1650 Glasgow QS - Fort William122.74
37185 2C77 1620 Weston - Bristol19.00
37185 2C46 1720 Bristol TM - Taunton44.74
37185 2C85 1900 Taunton - Bristol TM44.74
37261 2H85 1755 Inverness - Kyle82.51
37262 2H84 1710 Kyle - Inverness82.51
37264 2H65 1735 Inverness - Wick161.41
37403 1L31 2330 Glasgow QS - Inverness Between Glasgow QS - Perth62.46
37404 1L33 1105 Glasgow QS - Perth62.46
37407 1T12 0800 Oban - Glasgow QS101.32

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