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Fleet History


DecJanuary 1985Feb

37012 1S07 2210 Euston - Fort William Between Cowlairs - Glasgow QS1.84
37012 1B08 0820 Glasgow QS - Oban terminated at Taynuilt88.09
37012 1T32 1300 Oban - Glasgow QS Between Taynuilt - Glasgow QS88.09
37025 2K14 1755 Inverness - Kyle82.51
37040 2N12 0710 Kyle - Inverness Between Lairg - Inverness rescuing 26040 + 2705466.95
37051 2O49 1715 Glasgow QS - Edinburgh47.30
37109 1C86 1615 Cambridge - Liverpool St55.65
37111 1S07 2210 Euston - Fort William Between Mossend - Eastfield14.08
37111 1S07 2210 Euston - Fort William Between Glasgow QS - Crianlarich, terminated59.14
37111 1T24 0840 Fort William - Glasgow QS Started at Crianlarich at 1034 with stock from 1S0759.14
37114 2K09 1135 Inverness - Wick With 27014161.41
37114 2N37 1800 Wick - Inverness With 27014161.41
37191 1T16 0800 Oban - Glasgow QS101.32
37273 Loco entered work for rebuilding as a 37/4 
37287 2G03 1728 Dundee - Edinburgh59.18
37300 Transferred to Motherwell 

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