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FebMarch 1981Apr

37014 1B07 0600 Glasgow - Mallaig Between Fort William - Mallaig41.36
37014 1B16 1232 Mallaig - Fort William Between Mallaig - Fort William41.36
37021 1B15 1825 Glasgow QS - Oban101.32
37025 1L13 0708 Cambridge - Liverpool St55.65
37025 1L12 0936 Liverpool St - Cambridge55.65
37025 1L25 1127 Cambridge - Liverpool St55.65
37035 1L15 0758 Cambridge - Liverpool St55.65
37052 1L10 0836 Liverpool St - Kings Lynn96.94
37092 1K11 0715 Ipswich - Liverpool St Via Cambridge111.26
37102 1L23 0930 Kings Lynn - Liverpool St96.94
37112 1T52 1755 Oban - Glasgow QS101.32
37114 1B07 0600 Glasgow - Mallaig Between Glasgow - Fort William122.74
37114 2B09 1255 Fort William - Mallaig41.46
37114 1T56 1603 Mallaig - Glasgow QS164.10
37118 1L21 0748 Kings Lynn - Liverpool St96.94
37118 1L16 1136 Liverpool St - Cambridge55.65
37178 1C02 0124 Bristol TM - Milford Between Carmarthen - Milford40.03
37178 2C53 0730 Milford H - Swansea72.89
37182 1C02 0124 Bristol TM - Milford Between Bristol TM - Swansea83.77
37223 Stabled on Westbury SP 
37232 Stabled on Westbury SP 
37267 1C02 0124 Bristol TM - Milford Between Swansea - Carmarthen31.71
37297 Stabled on Westbury SP 

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