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AugSeptember 1987Oct

37043 1Z27 2200 Bristol TM - Fort William Between Mossend Yard - Fort William With 37092138.74
37043 1Z27 xxxx Fort William - Bristol TM Between Fort William - Glasgow C With 37092132.54
37092 1Z27 2200 Bristol TM - Fort William Between Mossend Yard - Fort William With 37043138.74
37092 1Z27 xxxx Fort William - Bristol TM Between Fort William - Glasgow C With 37043132.54
37098 1V79 1610 Portsmouth H - Cardiff Between Bristol TM - Cardiff38.06
37114 2H61 0635 Inverness - Wick161.45
37196 1J20 0740 Euston - Pwllheli Between Shrewsbury - Pwllheli With 37426118.68
37196 1A84 1530 Pwllheli - Euston Between Pwllheli - Shrewsbury With 37426118.68
37212 1V85 1710 Portsmouth - Cardiff Between Bristol TM - Cardiff38.06
37229 1A27 0705 Carmarthen - Paddington Between Carmarthen - Swansea31.71
37261 2H65 1735 Inverness - Wick Between Muir Of Ord - Wick148.40
37263 1G12 0950 Grantham - Skegness55.84
37263 1D13 1210 Skegness - Grantham55.84
37263 1G02 1410 Grantham - Skegness55.84
37263 1G10 1615 Skegness - Grantham55.84
37404 1T44 1800 Oban - Glasgow QS101.32
37405 Worked an unidentified Fort William - Glasgow QS service122.74
37422 1Y15 1820 Glasgow QS - Oban101.32
37426 1J06 0010 Euston - Aberystwyth Between Shrewsbury - Machynlleth With 3769660.85
37426 1J06 0010 Euston - Aberystwyth Between Machynlleth - Aberystwyth20.70
37426 1A31 0714 Aberystwyth - Euston Between Aberystwyth - Shrewsbury81.55
37426 1J20 0740 Euston - Pwllheli Between Shrewsbury - Pwllheli With 37196118.68
37426 1A84 1530 Pwllheli - Euston Between Pwllheli - Shrewsbury With 37196118.68
37426 1V11 2109 Crewe - Cardiff139.91
37430 1V02 0620 Crewe - Cardiff139.91
37430 1M84 1045 Cardiff - Crewe139.91
37430 1V09 1719 Crewe - Cardiff139.91
37431 1A81 1500 Aberystwyth - Euston Between Aberystwyth - Shrewsbury 81.55
37696 1J06 0010 Euston - Aberystwyth Between Shrewsbury - Machynlleth With 3742660.85

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