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JulAugust 1983Sep

37011 Observed at Cardonald 
37012 1B07 0600 Glasgow QS - Mallaig Between Glasgow QS - Fort William with 20045122.74
37017 Observed at Eastfield depot 
37022 1T56 1610 Mallaig - Glasgow QS161.41
37027 1T24 0919 Fort william - Glasgow QS122.74
37028 1T45 1225 Mallaig - Glasgow QS Between Fort William - Glasgow QS with 20045122.74
37031 Observed at Paisley St James 
37053 1C09 0719 Lowestoft - Liverpool St117.73
37078 2N14 0600 Wick - Inverness161.45
37081 1B08 0804 Glasgow QS - Oban101.32
37081 1T32 1225 Oban - Glasgow QS101.32
37081 1B15 1823 Glasgow QS - Oban101.32
37086 1M25 1810 Manchester P - St Pancras Between Manchester P - Derby parcels 
37094 1P33 1650 Liverpool St - Lowestoft117.73
37106 1M01 0740 Glasgow C - Carlisle115.23
37109 1P86 1635 Liverpool St - Kings Lynn96.94
37109 2H59 1904 Kings Lynn - Cambridge41.29
37139 Observed at Cardonald 
37152 Observed at Cardonald 
37157 Observed at Glasgow Parcels Depot 
37192 1B11 1255 Glasgow QS - Oban101.32
37202 Observed at Paisley St James 
37226 2L24 0833 Sheffield - Scarborough88.41
37226 2J12 1910 Scarborough - Sheffield88.41
37264 1B14 1634 Glasgow QS - Fort William122.74

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