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Fleet History


DecJanuary 1980Feb

37014 2L84 1405 Liverpool St - Cambridge55.65
37017 1K19 0722 Lowestoft - Liverpool St117.73
37023 2L80 1005 Liverpool St - Cambridge55.65
37025 1L45 0927 Cambridge - Liverpool St55.65
37025 1L35 1600 Kings Lynn - Liverpool St96.94
37025 1L43 2142 Cambridge - Liverpool St55.65
37085 1N14 0430 Liverpool St - Norwich114.96
37086 1L21 0748 Kings Lynn - Liverpool St96.94
37086 1L26 1636 Liverpool St - Kings Lynn96.94
37090 4E05 1920 (11/01) Hayes - York Parcels, from Balne Low Crossing, arrive at York 107 late. With 40147 
37091 1K32 1530 Liverpool St - Yarmouth Between Norwich - Yarmouth20.60
37092 1K11 0715 Ipswich - Liverpool St Via Cambridge111.26
37097 1L10 0836 Liverpool St - Kings Lynn96.94
37099 2L67 1439 Cambridge - Liverpool St55.65
37110 Worked 0136 Whitemoor - Temple Mills freight 
37188 1C00 0114 Bristol TM - Milford Haven Between Bristol TM - Swansea83.77
37190 1C00 0114 Bristol TM - Milford Haven Between Swansea - Carmarthen31.71
37205 Lickey Banker With 372072.22
37207 Lickey Banker With 372052.22
37265 Worked 0405 Cambridge - Ripple Lane Empty tanks 
37268 1C00 0114 Bristol TM - Milford Haven Between Carmarthen - Milford Haven40.03
37268 2C53 0730 Milford H - Swansea70.91
37268 2C58 1020 Swansea - Carmarthen31.71
37298 xxxx xxxx Swansea - Barnsley Between Skewern - Cardiff Central Mystex Assisting failed 47534 

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