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MayJune 1993Jul

37080 1S79 2203 Euston - Aberdeen Between Edinburgh - Aberdeen With 37214130.46
37080 1M12 2120 Aberdeen - Euston Between Aberdeen - Edinburgh With 37214130.46
37113 1S25 2130 Euston - Inverness Between Edinburgh - Inverness With 37510187.58
37113 1M16 2020 Inverness - Euston Between Inverness - Edinburgh With 37133187.58
37133 1M16 2020 Inverness - Euston Between Inverness - Edinburgh With 37113187.58
37201 1A52 1220 Inverness - Aberdeen108.35
37201 1H33 1516 Aberdeen - Inverness108.35
37214 1S79 2203 Euston - Aberdeen Between Edinburgh - Aberdeen With 37080130.46
37214 1M12 2120 Aberdeen - Euston Between Aberdeen - Edinburgh With 37080130.46
37402 1B26 1015 Inverness - Edinburgh187.58
37402 1H15 1535 Edinburgh - Inverness187.58
37408 1D37 0950 Manchester V - Holyhead124.41
37408 1J44 1330 Holyhead - Manchester V124.41
37421 1D64 1133 Crewe - Holyhead105.63
37421 1K64 1430 Holyhead - Crewe105.63
37424 1Y11 0330 Edinburgh - Fort William169.83
37425 1G80 0320 Holyhead - Birmingham Int166.71
37425 1D61 0715 Birmingham Int - Llandudno129.77
37425 1D40 1336 Llandudno Jn - Holyhead40.15
37425 1K67 1600 Holyhead - Stafford130.12
37425 1D76 2152 Birmingham Int - Holyhead166.71
37427 1A44 0552 Inverness - Aberdeen108.35
37427 1H27 0920 Aberdeen - Inverness108.35
37427 1B36 1628 Inverness - Edinburgh187.58
37427 2P47 2118 Edinburgh - Perth69.40
37428 1H11 1125 Edinburgh - Inverness187.58
37510 1S25 2130 Euston - Inverness Between Edinburgh - Inverness With 37113187.58
37684 Stored Serviceable 
37688 Stored Serviceable 

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