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MayJune 1985Jul

37035 2H83 1055 Inverness - Kyle82.51
37035 2H84 1710 Kyle - Inverness82.51
37037 1S07 2100 Euston - Fort William Between Cowlairs - Glasgow QS1.84
37088 1Y51 1005 Fort William - Mallaig41.36
37088 2Y54 1220 Mallaig - Fort William41.36
37111 1Y11 0820 Glasgow QS - Oban101.32
37111 1T32 1300 Oban - Glasgow QS101.32
37149 2C77 1620 Weston - Bristol19.00
37149 2C46 1720 Bristol TM - Taunton Via Weston SM45.84
37149 2C85 1900 Taunton - Bristol TM Via Weston SM45.84
37177 1O79 1205 Cardiff - Portsmouth H Between Cardiff - Bristol TM38.06
37177 1V33 1610 Portsmouth H - Cardiff C Between Bristol TM - Cardiff38.06
37178 1T34 1415 Fort William - Glasgow QS122.74
37178 1S07 2100 Euston - Fort William Between Glasgow QS - Fort William122.74
37188 1T46 1550 Mallaig - Glasgow QS Between Fort William - Glasgow QS122.74
37263 1Y23 1650 Glasgow QS - Fort William122.74

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